Department Of Public Administration

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00



Title page

Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of content v

CHAPTER ONE: - Background of the study

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Objectives of the study 7

1.3 Scope and limitation of the study 8

1.4 Methodology of the study 8

1.5 Organization of the study 9

1.6 Definition of the terms 10

CHAPTER TWO: - literature review

2.0 Concept and theory of training 14

2.1 Definition of training 19

2.2 Reasons for training 23

2.3Types of training26

2.4 Validation of training 33

CHAPTER THREE: - Research Methodology

3.1 Introduction 36

3.2 Sample and population of the study 36

3.3 Sources of data/ data collection instruments 37

3.4 Method of data analysis 38

3.5 Research problem 39

CHAPTER FOUR:-Data presentation and analysis

4.1Sample presentation/analysis

and interpretation of findings40

4.2 Brief history of the case study 44

4.3 Staff training according to the discipline 50

and findings of the course

4.4 Responses of the respondents 52

CHAPTER FIVE:- Summary, conclusion  and recommendation

5.1 Summary 53

5.2 Recommendation 54

5.3 Conclusion 56

Bibliography 59

Questionnaire 62-64




To make increase in productivity and efficiency in an organization, there is the need to develop, train and motivate an employee so as to stimulate the achievements of the organization’s objectives. After performance appraisal has indicated or discovered that poor performance is as a result of inadequate skills and inability on the part of the employees, steps have to be taken to improve such skills and abi1it’ through training and in the case of management it is known as development.

For success, every organization needs to have well trained and experienced workers to perform the activities. Even experienced workers need to learn about the organization, its’ people, politics, culture and procedures. If employees can meet all requirements of a job, training may not be important, but no employees can over posses all necessary ingredients that a job requires. He may be excellent on one subject or aspect, superb on the other yet; he finds some aspects of the job a little difficult. This is where training becomes important in order to increase the versatility and adaptability of employees. If jobs are simple, easy to learn and influenced by technological changes, sophistication and the complex society, training is inevitable.

Training is a process of updating old skills and de\ eloping new ones. This training is any learning directed towards the question of a specific knowledge and skill for the purpose of an occupation or task within an organization. Therefore, an organization that gives out training, to an employee is doing so to meet the needs of an organization as well as the need of an individual employee in an organization. No wonder in December, 1990, the then Commissioner of Labour in his address to the 14th Annual General Meeting of Nigeria Employee Consultative Association (NECA) stress the role of employee in training their employee to be able to carry out their responsibilities effectively. He said “The development of human resources cannot be entirely the concern of our national ‘s education, institution; it is also the responsibilities of institutions capable of performing training functions.”

Every enterprises, whether public or private does necessary consideration on the job training. Some which are organized and some haphazard and incidentals if employer displays greater readiness many of them do so to invest in training. We hope more rapidly to supplement the work of education and other training institution.

The case of Japan is a relevant example, before adequate .public educational institutions could be established in Japan, private enterprises had their own programmes to skilled workers and you as employer’s, no less than national leaders development planner and technical assistance agencies all over the world, must recognize importance of the development of human resources, without which we cannot overcome the continuing storage of trained people as we strive to throw off the bonds of economic backwardness and to achieve the social and economic objectives of our development plan.

However, to do this, style of leadership is also very important as training itself. Leadership is the ability based on personal qualities of the leader elicits the follower compliances in a broad range of matter. Also as a personal relationship in which one person directs, coordinates and supervises others in the performance of a common task.

The work of motivating and coordinating group members has to be done either by “branching the proverbial stick or by dangling the equally proverbial carrot.”

The former is more jobs centered while the latter is a non-directive group centered procedure. Therefore, management can determine the situation in which these leadership work best and then, select or train men so that their leadership style fill the particular job within an organization.

Meanwhile, as the need for knowledge and skills that employee can use to cope with it. Good training is worth more than experience purse, though the latter is still valuable.

In the organization, the need for training shows itself in many ways, these new employees must be instructed in their duties, and poor selection may necessitate specialized training. Individual employees who cannot perform certain aspect of their duties must be made equal to those tasks.

Complete changes of working method may come about from time to time. This necessitate training, information about new policies may have to be dissented. Attitude must be concerned and corrected. More so, without adequate training, errors, occupational accidents and misunderstanding will arise.

To sum up, training of employees is a vital task for the management to ensure increase in productivity and to stabilize or maintain on-going performance of employees in the organization.

Efficiency and effectiveness is the goal of every organization. In order to achieve these, there must be a system of training employees.


The objective and significance of this write up are as follows:

i. To examine how training affects the efficiency of an organization and to see what needs training of its employees.

ii. To find out conclusion on how to achieve efficiency in the organization or local government.

iii. To identify appropriate services and development activities responsive to employees wishes and initiatives by devolving them to local representative bodies.

iv. To examine the mobilization of human and material resources through the involvement of members of the local government in their local development. .

v. To recommend the importance of training to the employees of the local government and Moro Local government itself so as to achieve the stated goals and objectives.


The scope and limitation of this project is to Moro Local government Bode-Saadu and the areas which it tends to cover are training prospective, efficiency, the cadre of staff being trained and on what basic are trained e.g. in service.


The method of gathering data and information being use for this course, primary sources, observation, interview and secondary sources i.e; read through related books and literature.

The primary source i.e. The observation and interview was chosen because, it will permit the opportunity of studying the local government and as well as gather necessary information from the employees therein.

The secondary source i.e. reading through the related literature would save time and cost or even the negligence of cooperation by the employees and it can give wide access to information that cannot he gathered through interview and observation.


This paper is being organized in such a way that chapter one deals with the introduction, objectives/significance of the study, scope/limitation of the study, methodology of the study, definition of some terms used.

Chapter two is a literature review of study while chapter three examine the sample and population of the study, the sources of data collection/data collection instrument, method of data analysis and research problem then chapter four is the interpretation of data being used in the purpose of tudy. While chapter five continuous the recommendation being made summary and conclusion and also bibliography and references at end of every chapter.


Efficiency: Efficiency means the relationship between the achieved objectives and the amount of resources consumed in the process i.e. it can be measured in terms of output to input efficiency equals output i.e. ration of input to output.

Training: This is a process whereby an employee is made known to something new which could help him in the performance of his task. This is also including knowledge and skill in the performance of his duties.

Training consists of imparting information, changing in attitudes or implanting skill.

Leadership: Leadership is the act of influencing the action or behaviour of the people to achieve goals in a given situation. It is the ability to move followers to action willing and enthusiastically without any compulsion and in this process to extract greater effort from such followers than is normally the case.

Organization: Organization can be best understood through its characteristics which are structure, purposive, interaction and communication. Therefore, organization can be defined as a social grouping which is purposively established in a more or less deliberate manner to achieve some stated objectives.

It is also the rational co-operation of activities of a number of people for the achievement of some common explicit, purpose or goal through decision of labour and through a hierarchy or authority and responsibility

Organization implies the continuously system of differences and coordination of human activities, utilizing, transforming and we1dinogether a specific set of human, material, capital natural resources into a unique problem solving whole engaged in satisfying particular needs.

Development: Development as many sided process which individual level increase skill responsibility and material wellbeing of social level. An increase in the capacity to regulate both internal and external relationships at the highest level. It is also seen as increase or increase capacity for dealing with the environment. Many sided individual, society and highest stage of society.

It can be seen as an institution, modernization which has to do with political and social transformation.

Worker: Worker can be seen as an employee that serves in an organization or company. In ordinary meaning, a worker is somebody who put in his energy and ability into the production of given service in which he expects a reward in kind or in cash for the receive instrument from the management.
