Department Of Mass Communication

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00



Broadcast media is the most expedient means to transmit information immediately to the widest possible audience, although the Internet currently challenges television as the primary source of news. Most people now get their daily news through broadcast, rather than printed media.

This study examined the influence of broadcast media on the sales of fast moving consumer products in Port Harcourt.

Simple random sampling with proportionate representation was used to determine sample size (100) from the population. Structured questionnaire was used for data collection and this was supplemented with interview of key informants. Data were analyzed using Chi-square statistical tool. Results showed that broadcast media influences the sales of fast moving consumer goods in Port Harcourt. In conclusion, there is a high level of awareness through advertisement.

It was recommended that Government at all levels should establish laws and policies that will sanction any market trader of fast moving goods who sell bad goods or use false hood in advertising fast moving goods.


Title Page - - - - - - - - - i

Approval Page - - - - - - - - ii

Declaration - - - - - - - - iii

Dedication - - - - - - - - - iv

Acknowledgement - - - - - - - v

Abstract - - - - - - - - - vi

Table of Contents - - - - - - - vii


1.1Background of the Study-----

1.2Statement of General Problem----

1.3Objective of the Study------

1.4Research Questions------

1.5    Hypothesis   -      -      -      -      -      -      -        -        -        

1.6Significance of the Study-----

1.7Scope of the Study------

1.8Definition of Terms------


2.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - -

2.2 Theoretical Framework - - - - - - -

2.3. Fast Moving Consumer Goods------


3.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - -

3.2 Research Design - - - - - - - -

3.3 Area of the Study - - - - - - - -

3.4 Population of Study - - - - - - - -

3.5 Sample size and Sampling Techniques - - - - -

3.6 Instrument for Data Collection - - - - - -

3.7 Validity of the Instrument - - - - - - -

3.8 Reliability of the Instrument - - - - - -

3.9 Restatement of research questions- - - - - -

3.10 Restatement of research hypotheses- - - - - -

3.11    Statistical methods- - - - - - -


4.0 Introduction - - - - - - - - -

4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis - - - - - -

4.2 Characteristics of the Respondents - - - - -

4.3 Data Analysis - - - - - - - - -

4.4 Testing Hypothesis - - - - - - - -

4.5 Summary of Findings - - - - - - - -

4.6 Discussion of Findings - - - - - - -


5.0 Introduction - - - - - - - - -

5.1 Summary - - - - - - - - - -

5.2 Conclusion - - - - - - - - - -

5.3 Recommendations - - - - - - - -

References ----------

Appendix - - - - - - - - - -



1.1. Background of the study

The term ‘broadcast media’ is quite often mentioned these days. It is a new phenomenon and one would probably imagine that everyone knows or understands what it means. Nearly ninety percent (if not more) of all online or internet users use broadcast media in one way or the other (Kietzmann and Kristopher, 2011; Dolwick, 2009). The emergence of broadcast media began in the early days of internet when people started sharing information and communicating with one another (Boyd and Ellison, 2010) but unfortunately; the platforms used then were more ‘technology intensive’ and required some level of expertise before use. Hence, the number of people using broadcast media platforms then was limited. Over a period of time as technology advanced, platforms that are less sophisticated were developed thus, enabling billions of regular internet users, without any technology background, to use the services (Boyd et al., 2010; Baden, Bender, Spring, Bhattacharjee and Strain, 2009) and this marked a turning point in the history of the media, making the media all inclusive in such a way that people no longer remain silent spectators to the content being dished out to them. Now, they could create their own content, share it with others, respond to people, collaborate with them and many more (Andreas and Haenlein, 2010). This user interaction is what gave impetus to the today’s increasingly emerging broadcast media platform. Broadcast media medium such as, the radio and television now allow member individuals to interact with one another and to build relationships even many companies across the world have joined but they joined only the fastest growing networks such as Facebook and Twitter, so as to connect with their customers (Trattner and Kappe 2012). The broadcast media networks act so fantastically as the vehicle helping companies to gain traffic or attention to their product and service usually through the use of Links via the adverts they place on the broadcast media (Chinag and Chung, 2011; Deis and Hensel, 2010). It also acts just as the traditional Word of Mouth in mainstream marketing does. Corporate messages conveyed through broadcast media spread very fast from users to users and presumably resonate in favour of the company (Deis and Hensel, 2010). In these regards, broadcast media networks, ever since 2002, have become the new 21st century paradigmatic market medium for businesses to exploit (IMAP, 2010) and influence their customers’ purchasing behaviour more. This is because, globally, a survey report reveals that about half of the 170 million Nigerians regualary make use of the broadcast media(Oracle Retail, 2010) and sequel to this notion, virtually all businesses now employ broadcast media networks as an extension of their existing corporate marketing strategies especially the retail industry in order to capture and serve customarily those active users with a broad range of lifestyle brands of products across the universe. And in the light of this, many firms in Nigeria also have started plunging into using these platforms. This current study thus seeks to explore the patronage behaviour of Nigerian consumers via these growing broadcast media networks especially from those companies that utilize them for their marketing activities.

1.2. Statement of the problem

One of the purposes of using the broadcast media  is to create awareness of the products advertised. In order to achieve this aim, producers frequently advertise their products (Jonathan1995). Despite the advertising of shopping goods such as men’s packet shirts, women’s clothing, jewelry, television etc, consumers’ attention is not always drawn to it, because consumers in Rivers State have their areas of interest and the type of goods they buy. They prefer to buy by the road side or open market where they can bargain. Advertising seeks to build a brand preference or to educate people (Kotler, 2006). On the order hand, consumers in Rivers State show less interest in brand preference. Some consumers prefer to buy by the road side or in the open market where they can bargain. Most consumers prefer to buy used 7 product than to buy quality products from the shop. In Rivers State, there is little or no public communication media through which consumers are educated about a product. Most consumers do not get information about shopping goods that will be of benefit to them. for example when a promo or discount are given for buying a product, some consumers who do not have access to television, radio or public communication media might not be aware. Shopping goods are those goods consumers purchase after comparing quality, price, style, colour and size (Kotler, 2003). On the contrary, consumers in Rivers State prefer to consider cost, transportation and nearness to the market whenever they want to buy their products. Osuala (1987) explained that sellers advertise numerous general products, to increase sales of the products category. But consumers in Rivers State consider advertised products that are sold in the shops to be very expensive thereby prefer to buy in the open market. Advertising based on sizes, colour, shapes, qualities of televisions may influence consumers to buy, however consumers who do not watch TV advertisement frequently will not be so influenced. Furthermore, many consumers think it is a waste of time, those who do not have access to television may not be influenced by such advertisement, Though consumers in Rivers State consider factors such as cost, income, transportation, nearness to market etc. However consumers who buy 8 original products will prefer to buy quality products from the shops. It is important therefore to ascertain the influence of the broadcast media on the purchase of fast moving consumer goods in Port Harcourt.

1.3. Objectives of the study

The following will be the aims and objectives of undertaking this study:

The main objective of this study is to examine the influence of broadcast media on the sales of fast moving consumer products in Port Harcourt.

To determine the perception of consumers towards the broadcast media.

To determine the extent to which consumers patronize products advertised on broadcast media.

To determine the relationship between broadcast media and sales of consumer goods in Port Harcourt.

1.4. Research Questions

What is the influence of broadcast media on the sales of fast moving consumer products in Port Harcourt?

What is the perception of consumers towards the broadcast media?

To what extent do consumers patronize products advertised on broadcast media?

Is there a relationship between broadcast media and sales of consumer goods in Port Harcourt?

1.5. Research Hypothesis

H0: Broadcast media does not influence the sales of fast moving consumer goods in Port Harcourt.

H1: Broadcast media influences the sales of fast moving consumer goods in Port Harcourt.

1.6. Significance of the study

The finding of this study would be of importance to the business operators most especially proprietors of shopping goods as it would create awareness of the importance of advertising on the sale of their products. The findings of this study would be of benefit to marketing students and lecturers in tertiary institutions as they would have a broader understanding of how advertising influence the sale of shopping goods. The findings of this study would be of benefit to the Ministry of Commerce and Information. It will give them an insight on the benefit of advertising on the sale of shopping goods. It will also assist them on how to organize training programmes for proprietors of small scale business. The findings of the study would be of immense benefit to the media organization as the knowledge gain from the findings would help them to be innovative in their various approaches to advertising designs. Finally the findings of this study would be a significant contribution to the existing body of literature in the discipline

1.7. Scope of the study

This study is restricted to the influence of broadcast media on the sales of fast moving consumer products in Port Harcourt.

1.8. Limitation of the study

Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint- The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.

1.9. Definition of terms 

Consumer goods:goods bought and used by consumers, rather than by manufacturers for producing other goods.

Media:the main ways that large member of people receives information and entertainment that is television, radio, newspapers and internet.

Broadcast media:Broadcast media is the most expedient means to transmit information immediately to the widest possible audience, although the Internet currently challenges television as the primary source of news. Most people now get their daily news through broadcast, rather than printed media.


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5.0 Findings

The objective of the study was to know if broadcast media influences the sales of fast moving consumer goods in Port Harcourt. Findings from the study reveals that majority of the respondents are of the opinion that broadcast media influences the sales of fast moving consumer goods in Port Harcourt. See table 8 above.

Another finding from the study reveals that there is a high level of awareness through advertisement. (See table 6)


Based on the findings of the study and the conclusion drawn, the following recommendations were made.

1.    Attractive images should be used by market traders of fast moving goods always to convince consumers to buy.

2.    Government at all levels should establish laws and polices that will sanction any market trader of fast moving goods who sell bad goods or use false hood in advertising fast moving goods.

Suggestions for Further Study

The following areas have been suggested for further research. 1. Researchers should investigate into the influence of broadcast media on convenience goods and specialty goods.

3.    Similar research should be replicated in other states of the federation or geo-political zone on the influence of broadcast media on fast moving goods.
