Department Of Marketing

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00



This research topic is an evaluation of the use of adverising as promotion tool in manufacturing industries. That is through examination of  the uses of advertising advertising is a paid form of non – personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services lay an identify sposors. It  can also be sald that advertising is an from of communication  through media bont a products and ideals and helps  to sell brands of products and ideas and helps to build confidence in companys and institutions to consumers about the brand or/ amnd compelling information to consumers about the brand or company that have been paid for by indentified sponsor. Howeverit is also an instrument used to educate, create awareness and inform the potentials and existing customers abouts about a new product. No company or companies can do without advertising its products, product that even sell self make do with advertising because onces a product is been produced and is in the market, automatically, an act of advertising is being practice, customers a times have no or knowledge about the product either in terms of the company’s name, logo, usages and other but with the  help of advertising, customers/ consumers may have knowledge of what they want to buy. Therefore, advertising is one of the promotional mix which helps the company to have high retorn on sales of a product and also build good image to the company.


Title page





Table of contents

Chapter one 

1.0 introduction

1.1 background of the study

1.2 statement of the problem

1.3 objective of the study

1.4 significance of the study

1.5 scopes of the study

1.6 limitation and constraint

chapterr two

2.0 literature review

2.1 meaning of promotion

2.2 type of promotion  tools

2.3 meaning of adverising

2.4 rationale of adverisment

2.5 types of advertising

2.6 the benefits of advertising to business organization

2.7 the problem associated with advertising in business organization

2.8 the need for advertising in tuyil pharmaceutical 

2.9 formulation of hypotheses

chapter three

3.0 research methodology

3.1 research population

3.2 sampling techniques

3.3 sample size

3.4 research design

3.5 source of data collection

3.6 methods of data collection 

3.7 adminstrarion of instrument

3.8 method of  data analysis

chapter four 

4.0 data presentation and analysis

4.1 brief history tuyil pharmaceutical industries ltd.

4.2 Presentation and analysis of data 

4.3 Hypothesis testing

4.4 Discusion of finding

Chapter five

5.0 summary, conclusion and recommendation

5.1 summary of finding

5.2 conclusion

5.3 recommendation

5.4 biblography 

Chapter one

1.0 inroduction

1.1 backgrouns to the study

When any manufacturing undertaking spring up, it becomes imperative for its name to be known and whenever any productive activity (firm) faces hard time, nothing is more required than for its benefit to be made known and subseguenntly revived.also a firm having no  drawbacks need relent in its effert to proclaim the importance of its products and services by increasing consumer awareness over its products and services through promotion.

Promotion spills over into almost every aspect of the marketing mix which is made up of a set of combined elements or variables which are partially controllable of influencing the consumer in a definite way.

Subsequently, promotional activities are all sreategies that are implemented by tuyil  pharmaceutical industries limited, ilorin to foster the sales of their googs its is a controllable infearated programme of communication method and materials designed to present the company and its product to prospective customers to communicate needs satisfying attributes of products towrds the end of facilitating sales and thus contrbuting to long – run profit performance.

The major promotional tools include sales promotion, advertising. Personal selling and publicity.

These four major promotional tools almed at exploiting the availability of demand stitulating element in the marketing mix.

But, with regards to this study, advertising will used as an evaluation as a promotional tool in manufacturing industries.

However, advertising is a paid  form and non personal presentation of idea by an indentified sponser.

It is used to create awareness. Educate and persuade current or existing and potential customers of a particular product.

Undoubtfully, a splendid product, an exceptionally low piece and an ideal retail outlet place would. Produce negligible revenue and profit, if the promotion systems are not firm market or the general public regarding the company’s product and its benefit.finally, recommending ways in which some problems of promotional tools can be alleviated by industries.

Also, to broaden the knowledge of potential businessmen and workers in particualr about the  various steps to take before engaging in promotional activities.

1.2 statement of the problem of the study

in regard to this study, the use of advertising will be evluated as a promotional tool in manufacturing industries.

The researcher want to do cetical examination about the use of advertising to the pharmaceutical companies.

Tuyil phamaceutical industry limited, ilorin will be taking as a case study, whether advertisig really worth doing or it is a waste of resources.

Does it really have any positive or negative impact on the sales of pharmaceutical company? 

However, through examination of the usefulness of advertising as a promotional tool in manufacturing industries is what the researcher want to research on.

1.3 aims and objectives of the study

the objective of this research project can be enumerated as follows:-

a. to evaluate the use of adverising as a promotional tool in manufacturing industries in nigeria. 

b. To know the meaning, benefits and problems of advertising on the potential consumers and also the organization of large.

c. To eveluate the effectiveness of advertising 

d. To measure the effectiveness of adverising.

e. Furthermore, recommending ways in which some problems of promotional tools can be alleviated by indsties, also to broaden the knowledge of potential businessmen and marketer in particular about the various steps to take before engaging in promotional activities.

1.4 significance of the study

this research project will be of great importance to the department of marketing and students of marketing at all level,  because it studies the evaluation of the use of advertising as a promotional tool.

It will also broaden the students’ knowledge in knowing more about promotion.

This project is as well useful to the other pharmaceutical companies and the marketing organization or executives of the company will have one or two points to gain from the report which will be useful to the development of the company.

The management of tuyil pharmaceutical industries limited, ilorin will also find this research project a good and beneficent one because the centre focus of the study is on their organization and it will be a great tool to be used in making necessary adjustments to their operations.

The society at large are not exepted from the benefits of this research project as the study does not cover only tuyil pharmaceutical company who produces these product.

Vamoron blood tonic, tutolin cough syrup, tudox suspension, tumol syrup, karaole pain relief gecrol suspension, vitamin a (syrup, tucillin syrup and so on but also includes ways on how promotion will contributes to the satisfaction of every individual as a whole.

Lastly, the project work is to meet the partial requirement for the award of higher national diploma in marketing as regulated by national board for technical education (NBTE)


Evaluation of the use of advertising as a promotional tool in manufacturing industries in nigeria is a broad scope which includes the following scopes:

a. territorial scope:

the area of coverage of this research work is centered on evaluation of  the use of edvertising as a promotional tool and it is going to deal precisely with the contribution of advertising in the development of manufacturing industries in nigeria.

It will also cover the benefit of adevertising and its problems to solve those problems in other organizations.

b. geagraphical scope:

this are covered interms of location is a very wide rage where there are numerous consumers who make use of tuyil pharmaceutical products, right from kwara state to other places where the products are being marketed across the countries.

c. industrial scope:-

this research work will cover the pharmaceutical industry, using tuyil pharmaceutical industry as a reference point of firm that products consumers’ product are meant to satisfy human needs and wants in meant to satisfy  human needs and wants in dream of providing and promoting sound health.

d. time scope:

as a result of the limited time , this project will only take a period of one year and with life or validity of the outcome will be tanable to two and half years as a result of change in market condition.

1.6 limitations and constraints of the study

one of the important problem encountered by the researcher while undertaking this study is FINANCIAL CONSTRAINT which deprived the researcher of the ability to visit many places and meet the widely dispesed consumers of tuyil pharmaceutical industries limited ilorin and to gather enouth data.

The  researcher also faces the SECRECY being atteched to information by business organization in nigeria.

Tuyil pharmaceutical industries limited, ilorin, is inclusive and consequently had adverse effect on the realization of information and data needed in this study.

It is not all that easy to combine the writing of this project with the school lecture, test and the forthcoming examination becaouse of the  limited TIME.

With all these constraints and limitations, the researcher’s will still be successful.
