Department Of Human Resource Management

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00





1.      Background to the Study

1.2     Statement of Research Problem

1.3     Research Questions

1.4     Objectives of the Study

1.5     Statement of Hypotheses

1.6     Scope of the Study

1.7     Significance of the Study

1.8     Limitation of the Study

1.9     Operational Definition of Terms



2.1     Training

2.2     Types of Training

2.3     Training Needs

2.4     Training Policy

2.5     Dividends of Training

2.6     Challenges of Training



3.1     Research Design

3.2     Population of the Study

3.3     Sample/Sampling Techniques

3.4     Instrumentation

3.5     Method of Data Collection

3.6     Method of Data Analysis



4.1           Data Presentation

4.2           Data Analysis

4.3           Test of Hypotheses

4.4           Discussion of Findings



5.1           Summary

5.2           Conclusion

5.3           Recommendations

5.4           Suggestions for Further Research


Appendix I

Appendix II


1.1            Background to the Study

An organizational strength could be improved teaming works for effective performance. The development of human resources has spanned through some period of time in history. It began with the process of transforming skills and knowledge to the younger generation through apprenticeship. 

Today the transfer process has become broader and more sophisticated; this is because of the completion and dynamic environment where increase in technological advancement is. Therefore, as the environment especially business environment changes with people present in such environment have to change with it in order to move the pace of the responsibility of training and developing their workforce so that they can fit the jobs they are given in order to perform efficiently.

One of the ways by which an organization responds to change is manpower training, training in most cooperate organizations not only in this but other profit and non profit. By manpower, we refer to the human resources of an organization. It refers to the totality of workforce or employees regardless of their classification or designation. In a broader sense, an organizational manpower encompasses the skills, energies, knowledge and talent available in the organization including the individual goals. Training constitutes a major aspect of the job performance of any worker as it affects the way they behave and perform their job in the organization. The process of training in an organization is a continuous one and organizational money spent on the training of the worker is money well invested. Workers, who have not received adequate training before being assigned with responsibility, lack the necessary confidence with which to carry out their job. Worker should be helped to grow by systematic training. Job training can bring about confidence and enthusiasm among workers, people are trained to have confidence and improve their level of performance of the job. Both the federal and state government recognized the importance of training in the development of the nation and the entire workforce.

Therefore, efforts have been make to raise the standard in the country, some of these efforts include expansion of facilities in higher institution like college of education, Polytechnics and Universities for training of both senior and middle level management. Establishment of Nigeria Council of Management and Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (CASCON) established in 1971, 1972 and 1913 respectively. There are also appreciable effort on the part of cooperate bodies such as Nigeria Institute of Management (NIM), Center for Management Development and the Administrative Staff College where provided facilities for training.

1.2     Statement of Research Problem

The significant aspect of human resources in any organization cannot be overemphasized. They constitute a basic element in meeting and attaining the goal or success of the organization. They are the pivot on which an organization revolves. Modern day organizations are now becoming complex as a result of technological advancement that have resulted to changes in the organization. The dynamic nature of the organization made the manager to always embark in decision and evaluation in order to attain the predetermined goals. In this study, the following problem areas shall be addressed.

                                        (i)                        To examine the necessity for training in an organization.

                                     (ii)                        To examine the challenges of staff training.

1.3     Research Questions

1                   Does effective training improve worker’s performance?

2                   Does staff training contribute to the attainment of corporate objective?

3                   Is there any significant difference between the trained and untrained staff in the performance in an organization?

1.4     Objectives of the Study

The major objectives of this study are as follows:

To examine the effect of training on worker’s performance in an organization. To assess how training enhances worker’s knowledge and skills to enable them adapt to new technologies, changes in the organization and the working environment. To know also how training create a pool of workers for promotion or to replace workers who have left the organization. To find out the challenges associated with training program in the organization.

1.5     Statement of Hypotheses

For the purpose of this study, the following hypotheses are null form, shall be tested.

1                   Effective training does not improve worker’s performance.

2                   Staff development does not contribute to the attainment of corporate objective.

3                   There is no significant deference between the trained and untrained staff in the performance of job.

1.6     Scope of the Study

This research is done to carry out an in-depth study on the importance of training as a tool for the attainment of corporate objective using the BUA Cement Company Okpella Edo State as a case study. The term training is a wide area in human resources management. However, the study tends to limit itself to such issues like types of training, training needs, training policy, dividends of training and challenges of training.

1.7     Significance of the Study

An organization has unique goals which include using skilled workers to achieve them; the purpose of training is a strong factor to be considered; this purpose to be achieved, it is then imperative for the organization to have the full understanding of the importance and usefulness of the impact of training on worker’s performance in an organization. This will help the organization to examine the human performance in all content leading to the systematic investigation of all the resources and status which affect the efficiency and economic of the situation being reviewed in order to effect the improvement.

It will help workers to develop new method that will enable them to systematically approach problem of the various work function. At the long run, workers will have the capacity to render quality service and avoid flaws. The client will enjoy the satisfaction of good customer’s service relationship rendered.

1.8     Limitation of the Study

In an attempt to carry out a study on the effect of training of worker’s performance, there were problems encountered that limits the success of the project, such as:

Time Factor: There was little time for the researcher to gather all the necessary data required in carrying out this study.

Data Collection Problem: Availability of current and accurate data made things difficult for the researcher.

1.9     Operational Definition of Terms

The following are defined as used in this study to enhance understanding.

Training: According to Benson (2002), training is the process of updating the skills of the worker in order to improve their performance in the organization.

Development: According to Pettigrew (1990), development is any learning activities that is directed towards future needs rather than present needs.

Management: According to Momoh (2002), management is the body of those in the position of authority or in an organization.

Research: According to Osoba – Enakali (2006), Research is the use of scientific method in a systematic way in studying, understanding and analyzing a problem with the aim of finding solution to it.

Performance: According to Imafidon (2000), performance is the ability of a worker to carry out his or her assigned duty effectively. It is the comparing if the performance of employee with the set standard.

Workers: According to Ekeria (2000), workers are the trained employees (people) to enhance performance in their profession.

Education: According to Morgan and Costellom (2000), education is aimed at preparing individuals for a variety of roles in the society such as need to be literate, to be prepared for some occupation and the personal gift and talent.

Functional Organization: According to Ehikoya (2001), functional organization helps to overcome the difficulty of finding supervisor who could successfully carryout all the duties of the organization.  

