Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00



This project (Construction of an adjustable electronic flasher) was constructed locally with the use of local materials and tools in the I.M.T mechanical Engineering workshop.  The various parts of the equipment were constructed separately using mild steel before finally coupled.  During the construction, the conveyors and the housing were first constructed.  After the construction work, the test run was carried out using the grains of wet maize and dried maize. The result shows greater efficiency in home, office, and hotel use.


Title pageCertificationDedicationAcknowledgmentTable of contentCHAPTER ONE1.0     Introduction1.1     Objective of the project design1.2     Preamble1.3     Justification of the project1.4     Scope of the project1.5     Constraints1.6     Block diagram overview1.7     Project report organizationCHAPTER TWOLiterature review2.1     Origin/History of the project2.2     Technology of DOT MATRIX display2.3     Uses of the project2.4     Advantages of the design2.5     Types of DOT MATRIX displayCHAPTER THREE3.0     Design process and implementation3.1     The mains unit3.2     The power supply unit3.3     The address generator’s unit3.4     The memory unit/micro-controller3.5     The drivers unit3.6     Design process3.7     Preliminaries of the design3.8     Detail of design3.9     Software design3.10   Development process3.11   Program entry and editing3.12   Assembling and linking3.13   System control program steps3.14   Software for the programmer3.15   Soft to hard design3.16   Flash or EPROM programmer3.17   Using a personal computer to program the AT89C51CHAPTER FOURMethodology4.1     Information gathering4.2     data analysis4.3     System design approaches4.4     Choice of design approaches4.5     Data flow arrangement4.6     System flowchartCHAPTER FIVESummary and conclusion5.1     Summary of achievement5.2     Problems encountered and solution5.3     Suggestions for further improvement5.4     ConclusionReferencesAppendix 2: Acronyms and their meanings


Flashing circuits are very interesting. They grab your attention and can be used in many applications. They consume very little energy and a single cell can last as long as 12 months. You can flash globes, LEDs and pulse all types of devices such as motors, solenoids and piezo diaphragms. In this discussion we will cover a number of interesting "oscillator circuits." They can be adapted for other applications - but to do this you have to know how they work. This is not easy as most of them are quite complex. In fact oscillator circuits are one of the most difficult circuits to understand. But if you read the text, everything will become clear. Flasher circuits have developed over a long period of time, with many of the earlier designs proving to be unreliable.

OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The objective of this research work is to construct an adjustable led flasher. The project is aimed to have couple of advantages over a flashing LED that can be buy as an individual item. The project is also the objective of the researcher to design the project with the most economical and efficiencies parts so as to make it avoidable to everyone.

SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of the operation of the adjustable electronic flasher fully automated. It pulses it with a higher peak current to give a brighter illumination and consumes less average current. This means it will work for a long time on an almost flat battery and cost nothing to run. It can be used for battery equipment to indicate the power is ON or as an ALARM ON indicator. You can use a super-bright LED and get a really bright flash, or an ordinary green, orange or yellow LED to get something better than a flashing red LED.

LIMITATION OF THE STUDY The following are the problem encountered during the research work. 1.         TIME: The research of adjustable electronic flasher is a time consuming exercise for collection, analysis and preparation of its report Goods research takes time to plan and executed. 2.         COST: It is very costly to plan and implement this assertion in view of the fact that make research require the use of human resources, other resources and considerable time for the execution. 3.         EXACTNESS: To ensure the behaviour of human being, it is impossible to predict such behaviour with absolute exactness or accuracy.

