Department Of Electrical And Electronics Engineering

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00



Title pageCertificationDedicationAcknowledgmentTable of contentCHAPTER ONE1.0     Introduction1.1     Objective of the project design1.2     Preamble1.3     Justification of the project1.4     Scope of the project1.5     Constraints1.6     Block diagram overview1.7     Project report organizationCHAPTER TWOLiterature review2.1     Origin/History of the project2.2     Technology of DOT MATRIX display2.3     Uses of the project2.4     Advantages of the design2.5     Types of DOT MATRIX displayCHAPTER THREE3.0     Design process and implementation3.1     The mains unit3.2     The power supply unit3.3     The address generator’s unit3.4     The memory unit/micro-controller3.5     The drivers unit3.6     Design process3.7     Preliminaries of the design3.8     Detail of design3.9     Software design3.10   Development process3.11   Program entry and editing3.12   Assembling and linking3.13   System control program steps3.14   Software for the programmer3.15   Soft to hard design3.16   Flash or EPROM programmer3.17   Using a personal computer to program the AT89C51CHAPTER FOURMethodology4.1     Information gathering4.2     data analysis4.3     System design approaches4.4     Choice of design approaches4.5     Data flow arrangement4.6     System flowchartCHAPTER FIVESummary and conclusion5.1     Summary of achievement5.2     Problems encountered and solution5.3     Suggestions for further improvement5.4     ConclusionReferencesAppendix 2: Acronyms and their meanings




The need for a remote control alert system that can control domestic appliances and various lighting points and sockets has often been a concern for users. At times users find it inconvenient and time-consuming to go around turning their appliances on or off each time there is power outage or each time they are leaving the house for work. It has also often led to damage of appliances due to the fact that an appliance was not turned off before leaving the house. The Objective of putting up this project, therefore, is to design an equipment that can facilitate a convenient and easy way of controlling our domestic appliances, lighting points and sockets especially in powering them, without always going to appliances physically by ourselves. This objective will be accomplished using various components which include a Microcontroller (AT89C51) which acts as the backbone of the project together with other components.


The ease of putting our appliances, lighting points and sockets on or off has made it necessary to develop this system in order to control our appliances, lighting points and sockets from a central point using a remote control. The issues of always forgetting our appliances ON when leaving the house has often caused fire outbreak and explosion in homes and this is another reason that led to designing and construction of this project.

1.3    SCOPE OF DIAGRAMS IN PROJECT In this project report, the diagrams will range from simple block diagrams to complex circuit diagrams which will comprise mostly of common electrical and electronics symbols. Some of the diagrams that will feature in this report will be used as the main block on which certain parameters will be explained upon. Relevant electronic components will also be shown and described. This project report will also contain an outline of the circuit diagram as it is seen physically. The package design diagram will be included showing the width, height in millimeters (mm).

1.4                       BLOCK DIAGRAM OF PROJECT  

Fig 1.0: Block diagram


Chapter 1 serves as the introductory chapter where I try to relay the concept and acceptable reasons why the project should be implemented for the intending user of the work. Thus, showing the block diagram of the design and a scope of diagram for the entire project design.

Chapter 2 deals with the literature review where it will be discussing the origin of this project design. In the origin of the project, we will be looking at what brings about the three phase selector in our day to day activity and how the idea of designing this project comes about. A description of the Project is also given where the 2 sections of the project are discussed and the various components contained in the sections also mentioned. The use and importance of this project design will also be mentioned here. It will be looking at the best place where this project design can be useful and where it cannot.  This chapter will also make room for adding additional information that will help in the actualization of this project design.

          Chapter 3 treats the methodology of this project design. It comprises of the information gathering; the source of the materials used in designing and writing the project report, data analysis; the components and devices used in the course of designing this project will be analysis to know their basic means of operation and how they will help in putting up this design, system design approach; the possible way to tackled the project design from scratch, bottom-up; it will treat how the practical detail was gotten before considering about the general principle of the system design, choice of design system; it focuses on why the project design was done using a microcontroller rather than using only digital logic, and also the data flow arrangement and system flow chart.

          In chapter 4, the detailed design work will be presented. It will include the schematic of the design of the various sections of the design and the source code (in C language) used in programming the microcontroller.

Chapter 5 will be discussing system testing, Expected results, and Performance evaluation.

The summary and conclusion of the design will be presented in Chapter 6. It will be looking at the problems encountered in designing the project and possible solutions to them. From the problems and solutions of this work, the suggestion for further improvement will be stated.

