CHAPTER 1: Introduction Â
The extraordinary growth and popularity of legal studies clearly demonstrates the interest of school students in the law and confirms that legal education is not the exclusive domain of the universities. Much of the literature on legal education focuses on tertiary legal education with very little attention being given to legal education in secondary schools.
Legal studies refer to an academic endeavor focused on learning laws, learning how to apply those laws, and learning how to process transactions and legal claims on behalf of clients. Though most people think of law school when they hear the term "legal studies," legal studies can be pursued in high school, during undergraduate work, law school, reading for the bar, and at professional or career schools that train paralegals.
High School Legal Studies
A trend in education, particularly among charter schools, is the law-themed curriculum. Whether a student intends to pursue legal studies in higher education, a law-themed high school can offer benefits that will aid students when they arrive at college. Such programs are generally analytic and writing intensive.( Joshua Jones2003)
1.1Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Background of the Study
Economic Development plans which are being implemented in countries throughout the world frequently  suggest an essential need for the application of the wide scope and variety of legal framework.. The 1962-68 National Development Plan of the Federation of Nigeria provides an example. The plan aims at achieving an annual growth rate of four percent, which is slightly higher than the estimated annual growth for the past ten years; maintaining an investment rate of 15% of Gross National Product; and raising per capita consumption by 1% per year. The cost to the governments and statutory corporations is estimated at £676 million (U.S. $1,893 million .In addition, private sources are expected to invest £350 million (U.S.$980 million). After three hundred and fifty pages devoted to projects the Federal and three Regional governments intend to undertake, a final chapter of the Plan is addressed to problems and policies of implementation requiring a  wide range of legislation
1.2Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Statement of the Problem
The extraordinary growth and popularity of legal studies clearly demonstrates the interest of school students in the law and confirms that legal education is not the exclusive domain of the universities. Much of the literature on legal education focuses on tertiary legal education with very little attention being given to legal education in secondary schools. Current scholarship is keenly aware of the importance of the noneconomic factors in economic development. Yet curiously little attention has been given to the role of law among such non-economic factors. Â HARVARD LAW SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL LEGAL STUDIES, REPORT OF DIRECTOR, 1954-1961, at 27-28 (1961).The relationship of law to development has been generally passive in the past, but evidence shows that many development plans and projects cannot take place without legislative backing and the law. Hence the increasing importance of legal education and the need to get students to examine the law as it relates to various themes or topic areas, e.g. the environment, jobs, consumerism, industrial relations, through legal studies in secondary school curriculum. Therefore the problem confronting this research is to investigate the story of Prospects of legal studies on the Economic Development in Nigeria and its implications to secondary school curriculum.
1.3Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Objective of the Study
1 To determine the nature of legal studies
2 To determine the nature of Economic development
3 To determine the prospects of legal studies on Economic development
And its implication to secondary school curriculum
1.4Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Research Questions
1 What is the nature of legal studies?
2 What is nature of Economic Development?
3 What  constitute the prospect of legal studies on Economic development and its implication to secondary school curriculum?
1.5Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Significance of the Study
The study shall provide a framework of study which seeks to foster the adoption and development of legal studies in the secondary school curriculum.
1.6Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Statement of Hypothesis
1 Ho The level of Economic Development in Nigeria is Low
   Hi The level of Economic Development in Nigeria is high
2      Ho The impact of Legal studies on Economic development is low
Hi The impact of Legal studies on Economic development is high
3      Ho Legal studies in secondary school curriculum is not significant
Hi Legal studies in secondary school curriculum is significant
1.7            Scope of the Study
The study is focused on a story of prospect of legal studies on the Economic Development in Nigeria, its implication to secondary school curriculum.
 1.8     Definition of Terms
Law, for its part, has been defined in many ways, ranging from U, S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver W. Holmes’s "Law is a statement of the circumstances in which the public force will be brought to bear through courts. It considers law to be the means through which social policies become social action.
Legal studies refer to an academic endeavor focused on learning laws, learning how to apply those laws, and learning how to process transactions and legal claims on behalf of clients.
Legislation often embodies a government's statements of goals for the development of its country.
Economic development is the result of all the forces and energies in a country which collectively raise its per capita output.