The purpose of this research work is to look into the factors responsible for students' low enrolment in business subjects in ten (10) selected secondary schools in Ebonyi State. The study was examined under the following factors; teacher-related factors, student-related factors, administrative related factors, and facilities related factors. Based on these four research questions were generated for the research. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire administered on three hundred and fifty-two (352) senior secondary school (SSS) III students, who were not offering business subjects drawn from the three (3) senatorial zones which include Ebonyi south, Ebonyi North, and Ebonyi central of Ebonyi State and which was used in the area of study. The data collected were analyzed using statistical means. major findings were as follows: Lack of professional competence, among the business teachers, poor teacher/students relationship, use of inappropriate teaching method/technique, lack of vocational guidance, lack of government motivation, instructional aides, parents and peer group influence among others were responsible for students low enrolment in business subjects in secondary schools in Ebonyi State.
Background of the Study
    Business education is a field of education which deal with business experiences for specialized occupational uses. Business education involves teaching students the fundamentals, theories, and processes of the business. As an arm of vocational education, its essential role in the task of nation-building is inestimable and well known to accountants, scientists, educationists, and people of all works of life. The realization of the essential role of education, in general, necessitates various plans and programme aimed at developing education at all levels in Nigeria in general and Ebonyi State in particular.
    Every person is involved in and depending on the world of business with its series of activities. This modern world with its holding companies; local, state, and federal budgets, changing monetary policies government regulations, and trade restrictions, demands a well-informed citizenry. The market is filled with various types of goods and services. As consumers, people must decide how they will spend their limited income by choosing among many goods and services offered by businesses in a manner that will best meet their needs.
    According to Azuka, Nwosu, Kanu, and Agomuo (2006), in order to be economically literate and be informed citizens, wise consumers, and competent workers, each person must have some understanding of the world of business and it’s functions.
    The origin of business is traceable to private business schools. In the early 1990s, the proprietors of these private schools run them with the motive of making profits. The curriculum was limited to a few subjects like shorthand, typewriting, accounting, commerce, office practice, and secretarial studies. The system of education had in the past concentrated on liberal academic education. Criticism of this type of education leads to the introduction of termed functional education (6-3-3-4), a system of education in the government owned secondary school in Nigeria. In that same period, the curriculum was not properly planned and business communities were not involved in the administration of the schools to contribute financially or otherwise. The introduction of the 6-3-3-4 system of education in Nigeria placed great emphasis on business education.
    Apart from all that, the student can gain from studying business education only a few students enroll for business subjects in their final year examination in senior secondary school (SSS III). Therefore, this study was specifically designed to seek out factors responsible for student’s low enrolment in business subjects in Ebonyi State Secondary schools.
Statement of the Problem
    Considering the need for functional education and criticism of liberal education which lead to the introduction of business subjects in a secondary school; students' low enrolment in this subject matter has been observed as a serious problem facing various secondary schools in Ebonyi State that is offering business subjects. Also, it is annoying to observe that business subjects seem not to be progressing as it should be culminating in low enrolment of students in this area of study.
    Therefore the study is designed to seek out the root causes of this unfortunate state of affairs in the secondary schools in Ebonyi State.
Purpose of the Study
    The main purpose of this study is to find out the factors responsible for student low enrolment in the business subjects in secondary schools in Ebonyi State.
    Specifically, this study will seek to find out:
1.   Teacher related factors responsible for student’s low enrolment in business subjects in secondary schools in Ebonyi State.
2.   Student related factors responsible for student’s low enrolment in business subjects in secondary schools in Ebonyi State.
3.   Administrative related factors responsible for student low enrolment in business subjects in secondary schools in Ebonyi State.
4.   Facilitates related factors responsible for student’s low enrolment in business subjects in secondary schools in Ebonyi State.
Research Questions
    To achieve the purpose of the study; the following research questions are designed:
1.  What are the teachers related factors responsible for students low enrolment in business subjects secondary schools in Ebonyi State?
2.  What are the student's related factors responsible for student’s low enrolment in business subjects in secondary schools in Ebonyi State?
3.  What are the administrative related factors responsible for students low enrolment in business subjects in secondary in Ebonyi State.
4.  What are the facilities related factors responsible for students low enrolment in business subjects in secondary schools in Ebonyi State?
Significance of the Study
    The purpose of this study is geared towards investigating the factors responsible for the low enrolment of students in secondary schools in Ebonyi State. It will be immensely beneficial to the educational planners since it will assist them in the formulation of a sound and functional curriculum that will induce the students to study business subjects in secondary schools in Ebonyi State and in Nigeria in general.
    It will also be important for the policymaker to implement educational policies that will improve business subjects in secondary schools in Ebonyi State.
    Furthermore, it will be important for teachers to qualify in teaching business subjects in secondary schools in Ebonyi State.
    In addition, it will be important for students to be wise consumers of economic goods and services.
    Finally, the suggestions or opinions or recommendation which emanated from this study will help the state government to solve the problems of student’s low enrolment in business subjects in secondary schools in Ebonyi State.
Scope of the Study
     This study covered nine (10) selected secondary schools in the three senatorial zones of Ebonyi State i.e Ebonyi South, Ebonyi North, Ebonyi Central.
Limitation of the Study
     This study was limited to the time and financial resources available to the researcher.
Time constraint: Due to the tight program of the university as a result of the time schedule, the researcher was not the opportunity to have all the time as she required.
Financial constraint: This constraint was a result of the high cost of transportation to travel around all the secondary schools in Ebonyi State. That is why she decided to divide Ebony State into three (3) senatorial zones so as to justify the reliability of this work.
     Also, this financial issue equally affected the materials the researcher used for the study. For example, some of the information found on the internet for this work, she was not with enough money to print out the hard copy but she spent the whole of the night copying the information in her exercise book. Some of the author's work she would have used for the work, she was not disposed with enough money to buy it and therefore decided to borrow from other counterparts.