This study examined principal human relation strategies and teachers job performance in secondary schools in Patigi Local Government
 Area, kwara State.
A sample of secondary schools randomly selected. The questionnaire was administered to one hundred and sixty principal and Teachers for research, questions were generated and tested for the study. The result obtained showed that good principal human relation strategies and Teachers job performance by involving them in Motivation, Communication, Safety and collaborating for smoothly running of the school.
Therefore, the principal and Teachers should continue having good relationship to brings about improvement of the teacher and output of the school (student). The principal can also influence the teacher’s activities towards improving teacher skills, organizing workshop, in service training and seminars.
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgment iv
Abstract v
Table of content vi
Background to the Study 1
Statement of the Problem           5
Research Question7
Research Hypothesis 8
Purpose of the Study 9
Significance of the Study 9
Scope and Limitation of the Study 10
Definition of Terms 11
Review of Related Literature13
Concept of Principal Human Relation 14
Principal Human Relation 14
Principal Teacher Relation 15
Collaboration      20
Safety 22
Communication 24
Motivation 25
Measures Teacher Job Performance 27
Appraisal of the literature reviewed 28
Research Methodology 30
Research design 30
Sample and Sampling technique 31
Procedure for data collection34
Method of Data Analysis 34
Data Analysis of Data and Discussion 36
Hypotheses testing 39
Discussion 44
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations 50
Summary 50
Conclusions 53
Recommendations 54
References 56
Background to the Study
The aim of the education in every society of the world it to develop the young ones to become a useful adult. Although education varies in different societies of the world,but education remains the bedrock of every society. Therefore, any nation that toys with education is definitely sitting on a key of gunpowder and this is bound to explode. For the goal of education to be achieved in a nation the principal actors of learning is the teaches, the learner’s and the environment must be co-operatively organized. The aim of education in the olden days include moral and spiritual development which reflects in the societal system of thought and beliefs and these in turn, have great influence on the economic activities of its members. For example the African traditional society is replete with people whose mind have been observed with magical religious system of thoughts, as nduka putss !! (Waste. 1999). Here the society regards every fortune as coming from one or more of its numerous Gods as well as their spirits. In such an environment, progressive thinking is almost impossible.
The success of any organization depends to a large extent upon the leader of the organization the effectiveness of any secondary schools in attaining its objective. Depends on the chief executive at school level otherwise known as the principal. The principal helps to integrate the teachers, non-teaching staff, students and other resources into a productive working mechanism and student performance by influencing teachers behaviors and beliefs through corrective supervisory activities, co-operation, motivation, effective communication and evaluation for the achievement of educational objectives. The principals performdual functions as a professional and administration. As an administrative duties like planning and conduct of meeting, attending to mails, visiting ministries to resolve school problems etc principal as a professional engage in curriculum design recruit and deploy and source of material resources to assist teaching staff. As put by okeke (1985), The bigger the situation to be managed or administered the more complex the leadership needed and the greater the task involved.of the usefulness of all these activities. It is only when the principal is able to recognize and adopt right leadership styles that he would get his subordinates to interact freely with him on continuous based. In this way, they will together pursue common goals. The teacher has personal goals and needs which he or may not be conscious of it may therefore be reasonable argued that workers behavior in work places are reaction, and action of the head colleagues students and their entire environment.
The falling standard of education has all been attributed to the fact that most of the school principals’ has failed to exhibit good leadership required for the effectiveness of the school system. Furthermore, other people think that leaders are responsible for this poor performance of students. While others even believed that the students are also responsible for their academic performance as majority of them disobey school rules and regulations and no longer ready to work and some believed that the government should be held responsible since it has failed to satisfy the needs of teachers. From the various comments it could be generally agreed that all the various components of the educational system has their own allocation of the blame. The attitude of a principal towards his subordinates would influence the behavior of the teacher in a significant manner and this in turn effects students academic performance they can thenbe assumed that, the level of interaction of principal with their teachers would directly or indirectly determine student level of performance in their tasks. The principal should examine the performance of the school personnel to determine how for the set objectives are being achieved Where performance deviates from the desired result, he undertakes corrective measures guiding counseling and coaching the personnel concerned. In the case of staff he may even encourage them to go for higher education and training in order to acquire the desired competencies and establish good moral through their leadership styles. Promised on the backgrounds discussed so far, this study seeks to investigate into the principals’ human relation strategies and teachers’ job performance in Patigi Local Government area Secondary schools, Kwara State.
Statement of the Problem
The principal as educational leader play a pivotal role in the success of the school. In build a strong culture of collaboration and creative problem solving, set appropriate human relation that possess an instructional leadership quality that takes responsibilities for achievement, develop and communicate plans for effective teaching among all staff members. {CFBT, 2008} argued that principals spent much of their time on political duties unrelated to the education of students at their schools, and requiring much absence from the school site. This seems to reduce the level of principal’s human relation and teacher’s job performance in the schools or cause undesirable outcome such as failure of student in examination, repetition rate, drop out as well as other instructional activities at schools.
The purpose of this study therefore was to investigate the principals’ human relation strategies and teachers’ job performance in secondary schools in Patigi Local Government Area of Kwara state. In addressing this problem, the following research questions were raised:-
A. What is the significant relationship between the principals with the teacher’sperformance of secondary schools?
B. Which type of principals’ human relation enhances teacher’s performance in theschools?
C. To what extent does school principals’ decision making influence the level of teachers’ performance in secondary schools?
D. To what extent does school principals’ communication affect teachers’ performance?
E. To what extent does school principals’ delegation of duties influence teachers performance in the secondary school?
F. What is the like solution to improve the students’ academic performance as a result of influence of principals’ teacher relationship?
Research Questions
The following research questions were raised and answered in this research:
A. What is the principals’ human relation strategies Mostly used in secondary schools in Patigi Local Government Area, Kwara State.
B. What is the Level of teachers’ job performance in secondary schools in Patigi local Government Area, kwara State.
Research Hypotheses
The following hypotheses were generated to guide the Study?
HO: There is no significant relationship between principals’ human relation strategies and teacher job performance in secondary schools in Patigi Local government Area. Kwara State.
HO1: There is no significant relationship between Collaboration Strategies and teachers’ job performance in secondary schools in Patigi Local Government Area, Kwara State.
HO2: There is no significant relationship between Communication Strategies and teachers’ job performance in secondary schools in patigi Local Government Area Kwara State.
HO3: There is no significant relationship between Motivation Strategies and teachers’ job performance in secondary schools inPatigi Local Government Area, Kwara State.
HO4: There is no significant relationship between Safety Strategies and teachers’ job performance in secondary schools in Patigi Local Government Area, Kwara State.
Purpose of the Study
The general purpose of this study is to find out the principal’s Humanrelation strategies and teachers’ job performance of secondary Schools in Patigi Local Government Area of Kwara State.Specifically, this study was carried out to:
A. Examine and assess principals’ human relation strategies in secondary schools.
B. Identify and assess teachers’ preference for job performance in the schools.
C. Find out the major factors limiting the principal human relation in secondary schools andÂ
D. Suggest possible solutions.
Significance of the Study
The findings of this study would be of great benefits to principals and teachers in Secondary schools, by identifying the values of principal human relation strategies and Teachers job performance as basic and Fundamental in teaching profession.
- It may also inform the teachers the need to adequately coverÂ
topics in their scheme of work and lesson plan.
- It may also encourage the principals concerned to enhance theÂ
Level of their human relation strategies in schools.
- In addition, it may reveal some of the causes of poor performanceÂ
Of teachers in schools and ways on how they can be adequatelyÂ
Prepared to achieve the stated goals.
- Furthermore, It may afford the teachers to be enlightened on theÂ
great opportunities awaiting them in future, such as appointing them asÂ
Directors in the ministries, Education secretary, Head of service. etc
Scope and Limitation of the Study
The study is delimited to Patigi Local Government Area of Kwara State. This study is restricted to investigate into the principal’s humanRelation strategies and teacher’s job performance in Secondary schools of patigiLocal government, kwara state. Even though the research hasattained its objects, were some unpreventable limitation. First, while there various models of principals’ motivation strategies due to the limit time, finance and material resources:Â
This research was not incorporating all models to see teachers’ performance in addition.
Because of the limits mentioned above, this research was conducted on Secondary schools teachers in the three districts named patigi district, Lade district and kpada district inPatigi Local Government Area in Kwara State
Definition of Variables and Terms
This is presented as used in this studyÂ
Principal Human Relation: refer to the pattern or way of doing Things by the Principal in pursuit of his or her duties. In this study Human relation are looked at in terms of: The way principals involve Teachers in decision making: The way they communicate and the way they delegate duties to teachers. The way the principals behave in line ofdecision making, communicate and delegation of hypothesized to Determine teacher performance in secondary schools of patigi local Government in one way of the other.
Human Relation Strategies: Can be seems in education through Development and the resulting interpersonal interaction. The ability to effectivelycommunicate is themost important aspect of human Relations. Without the ability to effectively communicate, there would be no human relations.
Teacher Job Performance
Teachers job performance refer to the way by which the teachers are effectively discharge their duties it also includes commitment, promptness, punctuality, interest, consistency in the process of teaching and learning within the schools and outside schools.