This research focus on the comparism between Usmanu Danfodiyo University Model Secondary School and Government Day Secondary School Students’ Performance in English Language. This is with a view to finding out reasons for the differences in UDUMSS students performance in English Language and GDSS students performance. The study is a descriptive in nature and uses close ended questionnaire tagged student question on performance. The total of 80 students and 20 teachers respondent o the instrument. It was revealed that teachers competency school conducive environment are educators on students academic performance. The study finally recommended that teachers’ competency, use of educational technologies, giving students chances of practicing what they learn; establishment of language laboratories and assistance from governments, parents and others will help for better performance of the secondary schools students within Sokoto metropolis.


Title Page i

Approval Page ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Contents v

List of Tables viii

List of Abbreviations x

Abstract xi



Background to the Study1

Statement of the Problem2

Objectives of the Study3

Research Question4

Significance of the Study5

Scope and Delimitation of the Study5




Brief History of English Language in Nigeria7

English Language in the National Policy on Education.8

English Language as an Instructional Tool in Secondary Schools9

English Languages as L2 in Nigeria Education11

Factors Affecting Students’ Performance13

Ways To Improve Students’ Performance in English Language14





Research Design17

3.2 Population of the Study 17

Sampling Technique18


Validation of Instruments20

Reliability of the Instruments20

Method of Data Collection21

Method of Data Analysis21




Demographic Information22

Data Presentation and Analysis22




Discussion of the Findings38

Summary of Findings42

Implication of the Study to Education and English Teachers42


Suggestions for Further Study44


References 46

Appendices 48


Background to the Study

The school activities which centered on teaching and learning were characterized by means of interaction and association using English Language as the dominant acceptable channel for social interaction or communication. The means of communication has become important for the understanding of all lessons or subject regardless of either it is language or others. This identifies the concept of teaching language across the subjects or the curriculum. In this respect examining the efficiency of teaching and the level of students understanding remain a center of teachers and planners concern. This implies that there must be a way, means of assessing both teachers and students academic activities in schools. One of this means of assessing schools, students, teachers and policies is the research on existing practices or structure of educational policy implementator. It is in the light of this position that this study want to examined students English Language performance in school of Sokoto metropolis. The schools involved are all government public secondary schools, but one of the schools i.e. is a class preference school going by its nature of preference in society (Mahuta 2007).However these schools are using the same curriculum and they are under the same National Policy on Education (NPE, 2014). Therefore, assessing their students performance in English language will be important to justify if there is performance differences and why in the schools. Considering the facts

The researcher embarks on this study to compare the performance of students from Usmanu Danfodio University Model Secondary School (UDUMSS) and Government Day Secondary School Runji Sambo (GDSS) in English language. English language which we know is very important to teaching and learning in Nigeria. It is used as a medium of instruction in Schools. Its standard is usually measured in terms of students’ performance in (SSCE) Examinations i.e West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) and the National Examination Council (NECO).

It is claimed that student differences could be as a result of poor performance in the language of instruction. Whatever the case might be, it is suggested the situation has accounted for alarming concern by the Teachers, Parents, State Government as well as individuals too.

Statement of the Problem

It is observed that two public secondary schools can have different students’ academic performance in English language subject. This may be attributed to poor physical facilities, inadequate instructional materials, lack of competent teachers and student phobia for second language this is the challenged to find out the reasons for and how these can be affect students’ performance.

The table 1 below shows the students performance of university model secondary school and Government Day Secondary School in WAEC from 2012-2014.

Table 1: WAEC Result of Two Schools in Sokoto Metropolis

S/No Name of school Year Total No of

students Passed Failed

1. University model secondary school 2012


2014 79


82 66


58 13



2. Government Day secondary school Runji

Sambo 2012


2014 412


815 147


128 265



With the above table it is indicated that there are differences between the Students’ performance of University Model Secondary School and students performance of Government Day Secondary School Runji Sambo. University model Secondary School always from 2012-2014 records more than 70% pass as compared to Government Day Secondary School.

This academic differences are the factors that remain questionable to the research and therefore prompt to see if is all about the school facilities or personnel values that affects educational performance. Therefore, this differences in academic performance is a factor of concern and this study is interested in establishing factors by examing the reasons for English language academic performance which may include teachers’ competency, students interest etc.

Objectives of the Study

Specifically, the objectives of the study are as follows;

1. To find out the differences in English language performance between Usmanu Danfodiyo University Model Secondary School (UDUMSS) and Government Day Secondary School Runji Sambo (GDSS).

2. To find out the level of teachers competency in Usmanu Danfodio University Model Secondary School and Government Day Secondary School Runji Sambo Sokoto.

3. To identify the possible factors that influences students' differences in English language in the two schools.

4. To find out the impact school environment has on students’ performance.

Research Question

The following research questions emanated from the objectives of the study stated above.

1. Is there any differences between students performance in the University Model Secondary School and Government Day Secondary School?

2. Is there any differences between teachers competency in University Model Secondary School and Government Day Secondary School?

3. Is there differences between factors that influences students performance in University Model Secondary School(UDUMSS) and Government Day Secondary School(GSSS).

4. Is there any differences between the impact of school environment of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Model Secondary School (UDUMSS) and Government Day Secondary School (GDSS).

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be greatly beneficial to the parents, as it will help them to know reason why their childrens’ performance are different from children in other schools, also it will help them to know their childrens’ performance in English language compared to other students performance in other schools. Hence they will know the role they can play to help their children to perform more outstanding than any student from other school.

For students, it will also help them to adjust to proper learning of English language and the findings of this research will help to restore their confidence in the classroom and this will sustain their hope for better future.

English teachers will adopt different methods of teaching e.g descriptive method, discussion method, total physical response method etc. and know the reasons for mass failure in external examination. It will also assist teachers to diagnose the students’ area of difficulties both in English language and other subjects

Educator, curriculum planner and government of Sokoto State will also benefit from the study.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is restricted to only formal type of public secondary schools in Sokoto state metropolis i.e. it is specifically limited to these selected secondary schools in Sokoto i.e. Usmanu Danfodiyo University Model Secondary School (UDUMSS), and

Government Day Secondary School (GDSS). The study will however cover 2012 to 2014 academic sessions of University Model Secondary School and Government Day Secondary School Runji Sambo Sokoto. Among the major reason or this limitation are: Financial problems, time constraints, School location etc.





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