Department Of Education

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00





Business education is currently making waves in the Nigerian education system most especially in the secondary and tertiary institution. This is because business education is recognized by the state and federal government in all levels of education in Nigeria (National Policy on Education, 2004). Business education takes its bearing right from the outside world to the classroom, starting with the idea of apprentice seeking to learn a skill from his/her master; this was what the early stage business education was known for. The story is now different as business education skills are now available in books with tutors passing the ideas to students; thus, bringing business education to the formal setting (Popham, 1975).  

 For business education to strive it must be such that theory is matched with practical.

Just like other professional courses like medicine, engineering, etc. business education gained popularity as a professional course during the post World War II, as there was a boost in trade and investment during this period (Geiger, 2004). Through this, business education became a great contributor to the wealth of the country, even as it aid to promote human resources in the country. Business education includes business administration, book keeping, business teaching, marketing, etc; with the sole aim of making entrepreneurs, managers and employees who know the rudiments of maintaining good internal and external relationship in a working environment (Erickson, 2002). This is what is required in the market as individuals are much interested in those who have the skills to meet their demands, not just any kind of skills but professional skills.

Business education has grown pass the classroom work to what is required in the outside work with some professional skills like expertise gotten through training and self concept (Arthur, 1995; Freidson, 1985, 1994; Haywood-Farmer & Stuart, 1990).

There is a wake-up call to resuscitate business education in Nigeria by making it professional, as this will help revive the economy; though as it stands, business education is not treated as a professional course like medicine, engineering and the likes. That is why this study is meant to examine the impediments and solutions to the professionalism of business education.   


Business education in Nigeria most times is usually relegated to the background because some people feel there is no point going to school to study it. Some have the notion that it is a waste of time and money to study business education and so they look down on the discipline being referred to as a professional course.

In addition, Nigerians have this notion of some popular courses being referred to as professional courses and so they discourage their wards from studying business education. Similarly, white collar job syndrome is another problem, as Nigerian youths are not ready to do strenuous jobs; they rather want the kind of job where they wear suits to the office.

Conclusively, some people have the wrong notion about professionalism in business education and this has slowed the pace of its professionalism success in the society.

1.3   OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY            

        The major objective of this study is to examine professionalism in business education: impediments and solutions.

                Other specific objectives include:

a)   To determine the relationship between professionalism in business education and resuscitating the economy.

b)   To determine possible ways the tertiary institutions can make business education strive as a professional course.

c)   To examine if professionalism in business education can prepare graduates for the labour market.

d)   To examine if professionalism in business education can reduce unemployment in Nigeria.


        The following research questions are generated to guide this study:

a)   Is there a relationship between professionalism in business education and resuscitating the economy?

b)   What are the possible ways the tertiary institutions can make business education strive as a professional course?

c)   How can professionalism in business education prepare graduates for the labour market?

d)   Can professionalism in business education reduce unemployment in Nigeria?


H0:   There is no relationship between professionalism in business education and resuscitating the economy.

H1:   There is a relationship between professionalism in business education and resuscitating the economy.


This study is meant to inform and educate the general public, school administrators and the government on the importance of professionalism in business education.

It is meant to encourage the administrators of secondary and tertiary institutions to do the needful in making business education a professional course.

Also, the government has a part to play in ensuring that professionalism in business education is upheld.

This study will be of immense benefit to other researchers who intend to know more on this topic and can also be used by non-researchers to build more on their work. This study contributes to knowledge and could serve as a guide for other work or study.


This study is restricted to professionalism in business education: impediments and solutions.

Limitations of study

1.        Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview). 2.        Time constraint- The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.  project topics   final year project topics and research materials 


PROFESSIONAL: Is someone who does a job that requires special training, education, or skill.

PROFESSIONALISM: Is the skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well. 

BUSINESS EDUCATION: Involves teaching students the fundamentals, theories, and processes of business. Education in this field occurs at several levels, including secondary education and higher education or universityeducation. Approximately 38% of students enroll in one or more business courses during their high school tenure.

IMPEDIMENT: This is a hindrance or obstruction in doing something.

SOLUTION: Is a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation.


Federal Government of Nigeria (2004) National Policy on Education 2004. Abuja: FME.

Popham, E.L.,Schrag, A.F.,and Blocklvs(1971). A Teaching Learning System for Business Education. NewYork: Megraus.

Geiger (2004). Research & relevant knowledge: American research universities since World War II: Transaction Publishers.

Erickson, L.W. (2002). The Role of Business Education at Various Education levels. NBTE Review and Research Reports in Business Education.

Arthur. (1995). Measurement of the professional self-concept of nurses: developing a measurement instrument. Nurse Education Today, 15(5), 328-335.

Freidson. (1985). Professionalism: The Third Logic (Cambridge: Polity). Friedman, LM.

Haywood-Farmer, & Stuart. (1990). An instrument to measure the degree of professionalism in a professional service. The Service Industries Journal, 10(2), 336-347.
