Department Of Education

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00



Islamic education in appears to be fading away in the Nigeria education system, despite the increase in formation of Muslim organisations across the nation. It is in the light of this, this study investigated the role of Muslim organisations in the development of Islamic education as expressed by secondary school Islamic studies teachers in Ilorin West Local Government Area, Kwara State. The study examined their role in the area of finance, teacher’s capacity building, organization of Islamic programmes, provision of educational facilities and participation in the school curriculum development. 

The descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. Convenient and stratified sampling techniques were employed to select 120 teachers across secondary schools in Ilorin West LGA. The instrument used for data collection was a self-designed questionnaire on “Role of Muslim Organisation in Development of Islamic Education”. The instrument has a test re-test reliability coefficient of 0.62. Respondents’ demographic data were presented with percentage, while Chi-square (χ²) statistics was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 alpha level. 

The findings of the study revealed that the Muslim organisations are playing a great role in the development of Islamic education in Ilorin West Local Government Area, Kwara State in terms of finance, provision of educational facilities and organization of Islamic programmes. However, little has been done in the angle of curriculum development and Islamic subject teachers’ capacity building. 

Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that there exist significant influence on roles of Muslim Organisation in the development of Islamic Education in Ilorin West Local Government in aspect of finance teachers’ capacity building, organisation of Islamic Programmes and Educational Facilities.  It was recommended that Muslim organisations should help in setting minimum standard required to be qualified as Islamic education teachers so that they can impact positively in students; and solicit for the inclusion of Islamic education in the Nigeria Educational Policy as part of the prerequisite subjects for the Muslim students so that they can understand their religion better; thus, improving the values of Islamic education in Nigeria.


Cover page

Title page i

certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgments iv

Table of content v

Abstract vii


Background of the Study1

Statement of the problem 4

Purpose of the Study 5

Research Questions 6

Research Hypotheses 7

Scope of the Study 8

Significance of the Study 8

Operational Definition of Term 9


Conception and history of Islam 10

The five Pillars of Islam 13

The Articles of Faith 16

Concept of Islamic Education in Nigeria 19

Aim and Philosophy of Islamic Education 21

Advert of Islam in Ilorin 22

History of Islam in Nigeria26

The concept of Muslim Organization 29

Muslim Student Society of Nigeria 32

Role of Muslim Organization the Development of Islamic Education 46

Appraisal of Review of the Related Literature 52


Research Design 56

Population, Sample and Sampling Techniques 56

Instrumentation 57

Procedure for Data Collection 59

 Data Analysis Techniques 59  


Data Analysis and Result 61

Hypothesis Testing 64

Summary of Finding 67


Discussion of Finding 69

Conclusions 71

Recommendations 72

Suggestion for Further Studies 73





Background of the Study 

          Education is the process of acquiring skill knowledge, value and other capability for the development of individual to himself and his community (Fafunwa 2004). Education which could be formal or informal has normative implication in an aspect of religion and therefore could be learnt from the beliefs of an existing community or society. Religion, a core of culture constitutes awareness of the existence of Supreme Being or of super-natural power, or all natural destiny.  

       Islam is a religion meaning; peace, obedience and total submission to the will of God and His law (Oloyede, 2012).  Studies dated its existence back to the age of Adam with its message passed over generations through prophets; Abraham, David, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.(PBUH). Cultural and judicial aspect. Islam is not a mere religion, but a comprehensive way of life raging from socio-political economic, to cultural and judicial aspect. Islam stands out among other religions in displaying its worth in term of reference and thoughts (Badarudeen,2017).Oloyede asserted that there is no escape from religion and there is no doubt about its relevance. That means one must pass through it at one stage or the other in life, at birth, marriage or at death.  He supported that it plays a vital role in the lives of Muslim believers, the society which abhors them and who so ever come in contact with them in notable way. To this fact, Abdulganiyu (2015)explain that education in Islam permeates other institutions in the society and its contribution to the Nigeria pluralism has attained modern age in its classification namely; Ibtiddahiy, Idaddiyyah,Themaniyyah and Jaamiah.

In Islam, Education according to Oniye (2009) is regarded as a process that involves the complete person, including the rational, spiritual and social dimension in the comprehensive and integrated approach. Education in this context is directed toward personality growth through training men; spiritual, intellect and physical. This is such that faith is infused in to the whole of his personality in the theory and practice of Islam. The knowledge of Islam through various scholars of varieties of teachers at different stages of time impact its culture to whom so ever is being in contact with in the dimension of human being.

From the Islamic perspective, the highest and the most useful model of perfection is the only prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).and the goal of Islamic Education is that people should be able to live as he lived. These emphasize the rudimentary on which Islam is built upon; Qur’an and Hadiths embellishing the five article and pillar of the religion perfected for those who are known as Muslims.       

Nigeria has a large Muslim population in West Africa who are predominantly Sunnis and minority is Shia in, Kano, Kaduna, Sokoto and Katsina(Adekilekun,2012 ). Oloyede (2012) acceded that the Muslim population is estimated to be about 50.4% of her total population. Ilorin, a north central state of Nigeria is a major city with a real history for producing great Muslim scholars of virtues. It is known to many indigene of the north according to Oniye (2009) as Garin Alimi (Alimis Town). And to the Yoruba speaking people of the south as Ilorin Afonja (Afonjas Town).

As a matter of fact, the appellations have their significance noted in the historical development of the town mainly on Islamic education. The community through scholars of religious virtues as a group immensely contributed to the vast development of Islam through teaching, preaching, and practice at various point of note. It is reported in Ahmad(2012) that various sojourn and activities of early scholars paved the way for Muslim organization and the fear for Christian indoctrination of their wards (Adekilekun,2012) in the sought for western education.

Historically, the emancipation of Muslim organization in Ilorin could be antecedence of various Muslim scholar in the likes of Shakh Soliu ibn Janta (Sheikh AIim ), Sheikh Solagberu, Sheikh Omoinya, Sheikh Mukhtar lsalekoto who constitute group of Ulamaas that settled at a particular place known as Okesuna where Kwara State Polytechnic is presently located(Ahmed,2011; Qniye,2009). Abdulganiyu (2012) classified these groups of scholar according to their specific roles; preaching, Sufism, and teaching of Islamic education. Studies indicate presence of students under the tutelage of Sheikh Sholagberu before the advent of sheikh AIim. Abdulganiyu avers that Sheikh AIim over thrown of Afonja, marked the beginning of Muslim folds into Muslim organizations in Ilorin.

The adoption of Islamic culture consequentially was a general note in the comparison with other part of the world where Islam reigns. Though each environment is symbolic to its culture Ilorin is not with such exception. Predominantly, adoption of local Islamic centers (Makaranta alo), prayer leader (IMAM), the use of wooden tablet (walah), Teacher (Mallam) followed by roles of propagating Islam such as building of mosques and organization of preaching. In the modern day notable effort of Sheikh Kamaldeen Al-adaby Sheikh Adam Abdullah Al-alory, Sheikh Yahya Agody etc as pointed out in Oniye (2009) illustrated the proliferation of Muslim organizations in Ilorin.

These notable scholars in their roles played in the teach of Islamic virtues permeate their students who have contact with various Muslin organizations body in their sojourn to the other parts of the world reminisces establishing wings of “Almamaata” folds in to organization based on Islamic principles. To this, it is opine that Muslin organizations around the world came to the aid of fellow Muslims in providing, support to environment in content of improving their welfares. Hence, this study delves into roles of Muslim organizations in the development of Islamic education in Ilorin West Local Government, Kwara State.

Statement of the Problem

It is a fact that Muslim organizations are founded on the principles of belief and righteous conduct. This emphasizes the connection between values and practices expected of believers. As a Muslim, the tendency for positive attitudes in relating with others is always high to reflect one’s faith. Today, Muslims do not live in accordance to the principle of Islam. Even in schools, studies like; Ahmed (2011) and (Tsoho, 2011) have indicated that Islamic education is taught rather as a body of information than experience. Yusuf (2015) in a study on role of Muslim organizations in the spread of Islam in Ilorin examined factors militating against it. The scholar observed that; girl child educations, economic status of parents, extent of knowledge of members are factors militating against spread of the religion. Besides, the proliferation of Muslim organization has been a source of Worry (Oloyede, 2012) and its concern to many as rationale behind this are unknown. Perhaps, their existence justifies Ishaku (2017), about Islam considered by many observers as the fastest growing religion in the world, yet the most misunderstood of the world’s major faith.

Contemporarily, their existence is challenged due to prevalence of immorality among youths in Ilorin west local government of Ilorin. Therefore, this study would be carried out to find out roles of Muslim organization in the development of Islamic education in Ilorin west local government of Kwara state.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to examine the roles of Muslim organizations in the development of Islamic Education in Ilorin West Local Government:

1. Roles of Muslim organization in the funding of Islamic education in Ilorin west local government area, Kwara state.

2. Roles of Muslim organization in the provision of teachers’ capacity building programrne in the development of Islamic education in Ilorin West Local Government Area, Kwara State.

3. Roles of Muslim organization in the organizing dawah across school in Ilorin West Government Area, Kwara State.

4. Roles of Muslim organization in the provision of facilities in the development of Islamic education in Ilorin Local Government Area, Kwara State.

5. Roles of Muslim organization in the design of Islamic curriculum in Ilorin West Local Government Area, Kwara State.

Research Questions

The following research questions were raised to guide this research;

1. Do Muslim organizations play crucial roles in the funding of Islamic education in Ilorin west local government area Kwara state?

2. To what extent do Muslim organizations assist in the provision of teachers’ capacity building programme in the development of Islamic education in Ilorin west local government Kwara state?

3. To determine the extent which Muslim organization organize Islamic programme across schools in the development of Islamic education in Ilorin West Local Government Area, Kwara State?

4. To know how often do Muslim organizations provide facilities in the development of Islamic education in Ilorin west local government Kwara state?

5. Do Muslim organizations participate in the designing of curriculum in the development of Islamic education in Ilorin West Local Government Kwara State?

Research Hypotheses

The following hypotheses were formulated for this study;

1. There is no significant relationship between funding and development of Islamic education in Ilorin west local government.

2. There is no significant relationship between provision of teachers’ capacity building programs and development of Islamic education in Ilorin west local government.

3. There is no significant relationship between organization of Islamic programmes and development of Islamic education in Ilorin west.

4. There is no significant relationship between provision of facilities and development of Islamic education in Ilorin west local government

5. There is no significant relationship between curriculum design and development of Islamic education in Ilorin west local government

Scope of the Study

This study titled: Roles of Muslim organization in the development of Islamic education in Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State. It is a research work mainly on Islamic education. It would involve five notable areas expected of Muslim groups (organizations) that are known, registered and widely acceptable within Ilorin west local government, Kwara state. The study would bring out intently roles of Muslim organization (independent variable) such as provision; of funds, teachers, Islam programmes, facilities and design curriculum in the development of Islamic education (dependent variable) in Ilorin west local government, Kwara state. This study would opine on survey to which questionnaires distributed would be filled by officials of Muslim organization and teachers in selected schools Ilorin west local government, Kwara state as respondents.

Significance of the Study

This study would be significantly important for all school administrators, managers, Muslims and non-Muslims in every sector of the economy to note the main goals of Islamic education. Also it gives vivid explanation on relationship among Muslims and non-Muslims as enjoined by Allah, the creator of all.

The study would help both staff and student to acknowledge the importance of Muslim organizations in their roles to the development and sustainability of Islamic Education. Meanwhile, it would also be significance to federal and states ministries of education in appreciating the needs to involve well informed scholars of note in various Muslim organizations in the design of Islamic education curriculum.

Finally, it would serve as a residue contributing to research and as well a purpose for future research.

Operational Definition of Terms

Roles: - this is the duty or function expected of Muslims organizations in Ilorin was local government to wend the development of Islamic education.

Muslim:- someone who believe and adhere to the injunction of Allah, the creator of universe by following the foot path of the holy prophet Muhammed (S.A.W)

Organization:- this is a social entity composed of Muslim faithful coming together spreading the course of Allah.

Development:- this is a process of improving the socio- economic status of Muslims as a part of activities of Muslim organizations.

Islamic Education:- This is a process of acquiring the virtues of Islam by understanding and practicing what is taught in the holy Quran and Hadith via formal and informed setting

Muslim organization: this is a congregation of believers of Islamic faith fostered as a formal social entity concern with welfare of fellow Muslims.

Islam this means peace and a religion of Muslims decreed by Allah
