This project work was undertaken to survey the use of audio visual materials in the teaching and learning of Social studies in some selected secondary school in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. To find solution to the problems which gave to undertaking the survey questionnaires were raised to check the availability use and the attitude of teachers towards audio/visual materials in language teaching in the selected secondary school in the local government areas of study. From the findings it was discovered that audio/visual materials are not available in schools therefore teachers teach the various language skills without the required basic materials. Recommendations were therefore made to the appropriate authorities to provide and maintain audio/visual materials in the teaching of Social studies so as to enhance the promotion of learning among pupils towards improved yearly performance and daily use. Â
Chapter one
Statement of the problemÂ
Research questionsÂ
Delimitation and scope of the study  Â
Limitation of the studyÂ
Purpose of the studyÂ
Significance of the studyÂ
Chapter twoÂ
Literature reviewÂ
Chapter three
Research methodologyÂ
Chapter fourÂ
Data analysis and discussionÂ
Chapter five
Teaching and learning activities are interesting when instructional materials are used effectively and efficiently in a classroom-teaching situation. It is necessary for the teacher in the learning of English in Nigeria to use visual material material as instructional tools in order to make their teaching more interesting that is to arouse the learning interest, sustain their attention for effective learning. But the problem in many secondary schools in OSUN State as else where in Nigeria is that of the instructional material like audio/visuals are not available and even where they are, the teachers do not use them effectively.
The reason for this attitude may be because teachers engage themselves in so many other relevant or irrelevant activities. The desire and haste of some teacher to cover the syllabus or scheme of work instead of making their teaching more meaningful and imparting. Often time some teaching goals depend on material for planning and utilization of instructional material for some teacher the production of instructional material is only for passing their examination the training college and not for actual use in the classroom.
There is also problem of non-availability of audio/visual for which teachers alone may not be blamed. The heads often do not motivate the teacher in terms of providing instructional materials.
Furthermore, most school lack of funds and as a result, they find it difficult to purchase the required audio/visual material.
Generally, failure to use audio/visual material in the teaching of Social studies result in lack of interest among student in learning activities which affect performance in school and pupils not being able to assimilate lesson at their own rate and pace.
The secondary aim of this study is finding out all about the use of visual material in teaching of English in some selected secondary schools in Oredo Local Government Area, Osun State.
It is observed that most teacher of Social studies in the secondary school does not use audio/visual material to promote learning of this crucial subject.
For the purpose of this study, the following questions were posed.
1. Are audio/visual material provided for use in the teaching of English in school?
2. Is it through the government provision that the material are made available, or is it the school authority concerned that make the provision? Â
This study was conducted in selected secondary school in Oredo Local Government Area Osun State. For out of all the schools were randomly selected and the schools include.
a. Iwo road grammar school gbongon .
b. Oduduwa grammar school Ile Ife.
c. Anglican secondary commercial grammar school Ile Ife St peter.
d. Anglican grammar school Ile Ife Gbongon Odeomum Grammar School.
Some of the limitation which researcher had to content with in the course of carrying out the study are as follows.
Lack of adequate finance to the project of a satisfactory level of interest.
Inadequate time to cover more number of schools as the available time had the constraint of mainstream course work lecture attendance.
Inadequate source of material for review for owing to non-availability of time to extend the scope of research for such more enriching materials.
In the school under investigation, there was on readily expected cooperation, forth coming from the respective school staff.
The purpose of this project work is to identify the following.
1. Making teaching and learning more interesting and giving student opportunity to participate.
2. Examining the effect of audio/visual material material in student’s performance.
3. Identify some of the problem, which inhibit the use of audio/visual materials.
4. Offering suggestion on how effectively and efficiently to with the use of audio/visual material.
The significance of this study is to examine the importance of audio/visual material in the teaching of reading Social studies in secondary schools.
This study will material in spelling pronunciation and fluency of student in reading
It will suggest meaningful way of handing the material to bring about positive change in the student-reading pattern. It will also help to suggest relevant material to be used for each of the class concerned it will as well suggest areas and how to make the material available to the school that are lacking.Â
The investigation aimed at finding the use of audio visual materials in the teaching of reading in secondary schools in Oredo Local Government Area in Osun State. In carrying out the present study, the following research assumptions were made.
(1) Student having negative attitude toward readingÂ
(2) Audio visual materials have of been in use in most of our secondary schools in the teaching of reading.
(3) There are few qualified teachers to handle the instrument for proper use and result.
(4) There is lack of specialist teacher who known the proper and to use for a particular class and reading topic.
(5) It assumes that there is lack of instrumented material books for teaching on the use of the audio visual materials.
The investigation was carried out is three secondary schools in Oredo Local Government Area. Couples of questionnaire were sent to 30 teachers in randomly secondary schools.
The 30 copies of the questionnaire were distributed to teacher of Social studies in the four secondary schools in Oredo Local Government in order to determine the uses of this materials for the analysis and interpretation of data obtained, percentage and raw figures were used according to the result items, concluded that audio visual materials are not used in must of the Social studies teachers are not qualified. Hence they do not know to handle the instrument in the teaching of reading. The age class of student to use the instrument for a get a better result is not next spelt out properly and in the few schools that have its, the teachers are not given enough time to use it as the time allocated for reading is not conducive for the use of audio visual materials while some of the teachers do not know the type of reading it should be used to teach.
The study implies that in order to use audio visual materials in the teaching of reading successfully, audio visual materials should be provided in all secondary schools especially public secondary schools as it was found out that all the schools that have it are privately owned schools. There should be enough qualified Social studies teachers trained on how to use this audio visual materials in teaching reading more so, the class should be spelt out so as to enhance the use of the instrument by using it on the student that will understand the purpose for which the materials is used for.
There should be a particular reading type for the avoid misuse of the instrument, considering the present study; further investigation could be carried out in the following areas.
Effective method of using audio visual materials in the teaching and reading in Social studies in secondary schools. The use of audio visual materials in teaching English language.
From the result, it could be concluded that the use of audio visual materials in the teaching of reading in secondary school in Oredo Local Government area has not been very successful in that.
a. The audio-visual are not widely used by host secondary school English teacher when teaching reading.
b. The audio-visual are not available in most of the secondary school on our locality.
c. Most of the secondary school English teacher are not qualified to handle the subject and as such not known how to operate the instrument as well as knowing the type of reading it should be used for.
It was also concluded that audio visual materials should be used in the teaching of reading. It should be used to teach student in secondary three to six age between ten to 12 years. That it should be used by English teacher reading aloud.
Since there are no audio visual materials in most of our secondary school for the teaching of reading in Social studies enough audio visual materials should be provided to all schools in order to facilitate a more systematic teaching and learning reading skills.
The ministry of education the state school management board should make effort to provide and recommend relevant teachers to guide one how to use audio visual materials in teaching reading. A part from the necessary for regular in service training course to improve the performance of the unqualified teachers to Social studies in the secondary schools, the ministry of education and the state schools management board should make the use of audio visual materials in the teaching of reading compulsory in the secondary schools in order to improve the student understanding and mastery of the technique require for reading.
Parent teachers association should also help in encouraging the use of this instrument by helping in organizing workshops were Social studies teachers could go to learn the ways of using the instrument in achieving the goals it is meant for. Â
Since this research is carried out in only Oredo Local Government Area in Osun State, I will suggest it should be carried out in other Local Government Area to ascertain its uses in Osun State as a whole other aspect to be looked into are:
1. Effective method of using audio visual materials in teaching reading.
2. The use of audio visual materials in teaching Social studies generally.
3. Audiovisual materials as important tools for language communication and importance of reading as a communication skill.