
This project research on the topic “Design and Implementation of staff remuneration system” is aims at making the reader to understand the need of making or paying employees entitlement timely without deficiencies. Before now the process of staff payment or remuneration in an organization was highly flawed and filled with anomalies such as duplicate payments staff, amiss of staff naming during vetting process, miscalculation of staff monetary benefit, delay in concluding the general process and lots more. But with the advent of this new system it is certain that the above name challenges has been effectively brought to rest. Also included in this research work are a brief overview on remuneration, types of remuneration, which are commission, salary and wage. Furthermore, types of reward objective of remuneration which include attraction good work performance, commitment and finally, the concept of direct and indirect pay.


Title Page




Table of content



1.0      Introduction         

1.1      Theoretical Background 

1.2      Statement of Problem   

1.3      Aims and Objectives of the Study    

1.4      Significance of the Study

1.5      Scope of the Study         

1.6      Organization of the Research   

1.7      Definition of Terms        


2.0      Introduction         

2.1      Literature Review 

2.2      Types of Remuneration  

2.3      Types of Reward  

2.4      Objectives of Remuneration    

2.5      Direct and Indirect Pay  


3.0      Introduction         

3.1      Research Methodology  

3.2      System Design      

3.2.1  Analysis of the Existing System  

3.2.2  Problem of the Existing System -    

3.2.3  Analysis of the Proposed System Advantages of the Proposed System - Advantages of the Proposed System -

3.3      System Design         -    

3.3.1  Input Layout         

3.3.2  Program Flowchart          

3.3.3  Output Format   


4.0      Introduction         

4.1      System Design Diagram  

4.2      Choice of Programming Language     

4.3      Analysis of Modules    

4.4      Programming Environment -

4.4.1  Hardware Requirement   -   

4.4.2  Software Requirement  

4.5      System Implementation


5.0      Introduction         

5.1      Constraints of the Study  -

5.2      Summary   

5.3      Conclusion  

5.4      Recommendation  -       

References   -      

Appendix A (Program Flowchart)  

Appendix B (Source Code)        

Appendix C (Object Code)       



1.0    Introduction

Remuneration is the monetary compensation that one receives exchange for the work or services performed. Typically, this consist of monetary rewards, also referred to as wage or salary. A number of complementary benefits, however, the increasingly popular remuneration mechanism. Thus it is financial compensation received by a officer/employed/staff of an organization. It typically a metric of salary, bonuses, shares of and/or call options on the company stock, benefits, and perquisites, ideally configured to take into account government regulations, tax law, the desires of the organization and the executive and rewards for performance. The past decades starting with the 1980’s saw a dramatic rise in executive pay in the country relative to that of overage workers wage in Nigeria, and to lesser extent in a number of other countries. Observers differ as to whether this is a natural and beneficial result of competitive for scare business talent that can add greatly to stock holder value in large companies/organizations. In a modern corporation Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and other top executives are often paid salary plus short-term incentives or bonuses. This combination is referred to as total cash compensation (TCC). Short-term incentives usually are formular-driver and have some performance criteria attached depending on the role of the executive.

1.1    Theoretical Background

Adequate and effective payment of staff remuneration, salaries, allowances, entitlement or emolument has been a great source of concern challenge over the years especially in Ritman College, Ikot Ekpene. Challenges such as duplicate payment of remuneration to a staff, wrong calculation or arithmetics when competing the total remuneration to staff. Possible tampering of staff benefits of those competing the payments, time compilation, in the general process of compilation, possible omission of mistake of inclusion of staff names and lots more. But this new system after implementation will bring all the above mentioned challenges and the likes to rest, and also improve and increase the spirits and confidence of managers, staff at various levels or organization as it regards security, efficiency and effectiveness in all the remuneration processes.

1.2    Statement of the Problem    

As mentioned previously, great problems have been seen when processing the remuneration of staff in organization/institutions, such as time delay or factor, duplicate payment of entitlement, intrusion to individuals/staff account. The problem of familiarity with the existing system which has made users to endure the general problems been encountered or experienced with the system. The problem of possible Ostracization or omission of staff name or identify when recording the remuneration.

1.3    Aims and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this research is to design and implement a system for the analysis of staff remuneration. The objectives of this study includes:

i.    To develop a system that will be used for the analysis of staff remuneration.

ii.    To create a new technology that will have a long standing and positive effects in the management of staff entitlements.

iii.    To developed a system that will prevent the incessant tampering/attempt of staff money.

iv.    To identify the short coming connected to the existing method.          

1.4    Significance of the Study

The significance pf the study includes:

i.    It would help reduce the level of intrusion existing in our organization of management.

ii.    Managers/users of the system will fell or experience utmost relieve and convenience when using the system as it regards timeliness in all the process.

iii.    It would help sanitize our companies, institution and organization of duplicate payment of staff.

iv.    It would help to calculate the general allowance, salaries to staff.

1.5    Scope of the Study

The scope of this research cover the analysis of staff remuneration system, with reference to Ritman College as the case study in Ikot Ekpene.

1.6    Organization of the Research

This project work is divided into five chapters. Chapter one starts with the introduction, theoretical background,  statement of the problem, aims and objective of the study, scope of the study, organization of the research and definition of terms. Chapter two focuses on the review of related literature, chapter three is concerned with the system analysis and design implementation and documentation which are system design diagram, choice of programming, analysis of modules, programming environment, hardware/software requirements and implementation. Chapter five contains summary, conclusion, constraint of the study and recommendation.

1.7    Definition of Terms

Barter: To exchange goods or services in return for other goods or services.

Contract: A formal or legally bonding agreement.

Extrinsic: Not an essential part of something, coming or operating from outside something.

Intrinsic: A basic essential part of something as one of it’s features.

Periodic: Occurring or appearing  at a regular intervals in regular cycles.

Retirement: The act of leaving a job or career at or near the usual age for doing so, or the state of having left a job or career.

Remuneration: A payment or reward for losses sustained or in convenience.

Subsidize: to reduce the cost of something by providing a subsidy or a monetary gift/contribution to somebody or something, especially to pay expenses.




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