Department Of Banking And Finance

Chapters: 1-5
PRICE: ₦ 5,000.00



Title page




Table of content


1.1 Introduction

1.2 Aims and objective of the study

1.3 Significance of the study

1.4 Scope of the study

1.5 Limitationf the study

1.6 Organization and planning of the study


2.1 Literature review

2.2 Empirical review

2.3 Responsibility of personnel management

2.4  The purpose of personnel management

2.5  Problem of personnel management


3.1 Research Method

3.2 Introduction 

3.3 Population of Study

3.4 Sample Size and Sampling Method

3.5 Method of Data Collection

3.6 Method of Data Analysis


4.1 Presentation and Analysis of Data

4.2 Presentation and Analysis of Primary Data

4.3 Analysis and Test of Hypothesis

4.4 Manpower Planning and Forecasting

4.5 Recruitment and Placement

4.6 Induction and Training

4.7 Evaluation and Promotion

4.8 Promotion

4.9 Wages and Salaries


5.1 Summary

5.2 Conclusion 


5.4 References

                                                           CHAPTER ONE


As the world population continues to inches leading to technology advancing everyday, there arise stiff competition among business enterprises. In order for companies to cope, there has to be diversification of business. This activity bring about employment opportunities.

Thus, more people are now engaged in paid jobs, in order to cope with this increase in number of personnel in every establishment personnel department are established. This department has got many functions but the primary owners are recruiting and seeing to the general welfare of the employees. In the Nigeria economy, personnel management is considered indispensable given that the future prospect of every individual employee is in the hands of the management.

This project work is specifically chosen to highlight the role that the personnel management plays in a banking industry and hence demonstrate how important it is. The concept understudy seeks to set out some simple basic fact aimed at helping the reader understand and familiar as himself/herself with the activities of personnel department of united bank of African.

According to “Bensis Linkort 1955” personnel management is all the activities of any enterprises initiated and determine by the person who make up that institution, plants, offices, computer equipment and all that are modern turn” all other department depend on how well it is performed.

Through this project, it is expected that awareness would be created in any banking concern particularly united bank for Africa. On how to make use of the personnel management or potential more effectively and efficiently and how to work out procedure for performing the organization’s operation smoothly. Employees constitute the largest components in the banking concern. In this wise, the personnel management department is responsible for either the success of failure of such organization.

As this work progress, the multi-dimensional responsibility of this important department will be higlighted.


This project workk is aimed at presenting integrated practice of personnel management in the banking industry particular united bank for Africa.

There aims of the research study are stated as follows to studies.

i. The significant of personnel management in banking industries as a pivot of its department and all other department that involve administration.

ii. How the personnel management co-ordinates that acivities and other functions of its department as regards work force of bank industry.

iii. More so, to evaluate to the poor, the problems of in efficiency and in effectiveness of the work force as it affects the banking industry. Be side the work will make suggestions and recommendation which may be help in solving some of the problems.


The intention of this project researcher is to make the project useful for future purpose in knowing the roles of personnel management in banking industry.

The project works also enable the banking industry to realize the important and the impact of personnel managements on the corporate mission (objectives of banking industry).

Beside, this study will reveal to the personnel manager on how to manage human resources to meet the organization objectives.

The research also enables the employment to know his right and duties as well as his entitlement in an organization as regards to his working condition.

The students will also be benefited from the proposed study when it comes to the study of personnel management in banking industry and also for further study.

The research is also important to the government because it enbles them to realized the effectives management of human resources which contributed immensely to the growth of a country by adding to its national income.


The research work will focus on the personnel management of united bank for Africa.

The area will be covered in this research work is to obtain the basic facts about the roles of personnel management in banking industry of the year 2002. That is from the 1st January to 31st December 2002. This research work will also focus on comparision the attitude of personnel in united bank for Africa other business organization.


The researcher will limit if scope on the followings manpower planning and fore casting, recruitment and placement, induction and training and staffwelfares and tiring benefit and health due time factgor finacial constraints, time taking in distributing the questionnaire, lack of truthfulness by the despondence in answering questionnaire and in availability of data from the case study coupled with much.


The research work is organized into five chapters.

Chapter one: comprises introduction, aims and objectives of the study, significance of the study, and scope of the study, limitation of the study and organization plan of the study.

Chapter two: this comprises of literature review.

Chapter three: comprises research methodology mode of data colletion, data presentation, data questionnaire.

Chapter four: this comprises the historical background of united bank for Africa, manpower planning and forecasting, recruitment and placement, induction and training, job evaluation and promotion. Wages and salary, tinge benefit and health, dismissed and retirement.

Chapte five: comprises of summary, conclusion recommendation and references.


There is no precise date when banking business started in Nigeria, for instance indimentary banking activities actually started in Nigeria in 1861 when a shipping company. Elder Dempster line started banking services in Lagos with the objective of making easy transaction with the company’s customers in Nigeria.

However, in 1892, the first bank was established. This was the Africa banking co-operation, which was initiated by the chairman of Elder Dempster. It opened its first branch in Lagos in 1892. In 1894, the bank of British West Africa look over the assets and liabilities of African Banking co-operation. This bank is now known and called first bank of Nigeria plc. It remained the sole bank until 1917, when the colonial bank, Beclays abank of NIGERIA Ltd and union bank of Nigeria plc opened office in Lagos.

Before the second world war, banking in Nigeria was initially the monopoly of expatiate banks. They were largely of British origin having entered the country through the colonial administrative.

The primary function of the bank was to send services to the commmercial banks, government and financial intertional trade. This relationship of the public was largely discriminating as their limited contracts with indigenous businessman; the bank played no part in the development of the country as well as indigenous business. Besides, their lending policies were etremely conservative and the banking institutions were located in few trde centres and provincial headquarters.

The contention of the indigenous businessmen that were being discriminated against as a people led to some patriotic desire to established their own banks. Two successful attempts were made in early 30’s to establishe an African bank. The attempt was made up of an industrial and commercial bank, which was founded in 1922 but went into liquidation in 1930. The second attempt was the Nigeria merchant bank founded in 1931 and also went into liquidation in 1936. During that year a group of Nigeria associated with earlier attempt organised the national bank in 1939 on a model sccale.

The success of the national bank encourage other nigerians to establish their banks. Unfortunately, these attempt were followed by number of failures among them were Nigeria penny bank which was set up in the early 1940’s collapsed in 1946 under the light of management.

This was founded by the Nigerian formers and commercial bank in 1947 which in 1953 collapsed. The merchant bank opened its business in 1952 closed in 1960.

Against the background of the inherent success and failures of the early 1950’s a serious debate about the abolition of west african currency board and replacement by central bank of nigeria was ensured.

In 1958, the central bank of Nigeria was establiished and started operation on 1st July, 1959. It was to serve as the apex bank and to be responsible for the monetary policies of the nation.

Prior to the banking act 1969, there was no satisfactory definition of a bank. Although section 2 of the bill of exchangeact 1882 had interpreted a bank as a body of person, whether co-operate or, not, who carry on the business of banking.

The business of banking was interpreted by the courts to include acceptance of money on current account and the collection of cheques or other instruments for the customer payment by bank cheques or orders drawn on them by the customer.

The business of banking must be the principal activity undertaking the banking act of 1969, however defined banking businessas the business

of receiving money from outside sources as depositirrespective of the payments of interest, and the granting of money, loans and acceptance of credits or the purchase of bills and cheques or the purchase and sales of securities for account of other incurring of obligation to acquire claims in respect of loans prior to their maturity or the assumption of guaranteees and other warrantees for others or the effection of transfer and clearing and such other transaction as commissioner may on the recommendation of the central bank as published in the federal gazette designated as banking business.


Personnel management is the responsibility of all those who manage people and it is that part of management which is concerned with people at work and with their relationship within an enterprise.

Personnel management also aims to achieve both efficiency and justice, neither in which can be pushed successfully without the others. It seeks to bring together and develop into an effective organization men and women who make up an enterprise enabling each to make it own best contribution to its success both as an individual and as a member of the working group.

Ubeku, relates personnel management as “those versed in the knowledge of the management as a course, who has also chosen this profession as that of managing human resources of any aspect of the business organization.

But time as witnessed some changes in the personnel management function as professions in Nigeria both the government and private group have established institution.

The personnel management functions released to the banking industry according to Kenneth Toft, “the most important resources required by a bank is people.” Being a human creation, it needs human being to function in it. A bank force can be regarded as its most important assest each unit of which unique and human being demands human treatment.

Dealing with people in the bank is concerned with the discovery of the stimuli the manager uses to achieve the productive behaviours, but its must be noted in the final analysis that there are different things that must be geared to fit each particulars person and situation.

According to G.A Cole (1986) personnel management is a special list function of management which has the prime responsibility for the following:

⦁ Advising and guiding managers on the implementation of personnel policies and strategies.

⦁ Advising organization managers of the human consequence of change

⦁ Formulating proposing and acceptance for the personnel policies and strategies of the organization.

Function of personnel management as a whole.

  For the definitions given alone it is pertinent to note that personnel management is concerned wuth the employee and his place in the organization. The role of the personnel function is to ensure that the productive effort of individual employee is best harnessed in such a way that he goes out the best towards the achievement of the goals of the organization. The personnel function of management is concerned with the activities listed above. The function consists of manpower function.

The human resources of a business are collectively known as manpower. Manpower resources may be classified into:

⦁ Supervising staff

⦁ Management

⦁ Unskilled workers

⦁ Skilled operates of various departments.

The classification is based on the method of recruitment selection procedure, training and motivational needs. Manpower planning is aimed at ensuring that the right person is available for the right job at the right time. It involve formulateing a forward look plaa to ensure that necessary human efforts to make possible survival and growth is available and entails manpower forecasting which means influence and shape the organization future as the cummulative result of the effectiveness of its work force, predetermines for future health of the organization. Therefore, the selection procedure is important and has been recognised as a vital management function which requires skill and which is only obtainable through practice and experience. However, as this involves a time span, instruction as  to how it should be carried out on some way, will help to cultivate the skill.

Selection and interviewing help to carry out a comprehensive and as far as permissible, the accurate background, investigation of facts on past achievement and failures of the prospective candidates in order to have clearer picture of his world.

Revruitment is the process of looking for the right person, the identification of appropriate personnel internal and external labour markets.  

Recruitment is knowing what personnel are needed and how and where to find them. It involves making contract through newspaper, advertisement and contracts with personnel recruitment consultants and securing employees referees.
